naviqore / public-transit-service

Public transit schedule information and connection routing service based on GTFS data and the RAPTOR algorithm.
MIT License
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Feature/nav 76 application properties spring with environment variables logging dependencies constants etc #62

Closed munterfi closed 4 months ago

munterfi commented 4 months ago

PR introduces new

@clukas1 Can you please review. I hope all parameters are still used at the correct locations.

Maybe especially check:

A further issue, which is not entirely clear to me, is the distinction between same stop transfer and same station transfer. Are stations meant to be the parent stop with all children stops? So is same station and same stop transfer time not the same?

If they are the same, and there seems to be no influence in the generators on children parent relations in the generated transfers, then maybe we could rename it all to same stop.

munterfi commented 4 months ago

@clukas1, changes:

In my notion, a transit stop is a designated location where passengers can access or egress from a transit vehicle, typically with minimal infrastructure. In contrast, a transit station is a larger, more complex facility that serves as a central hub for multiple transit routes or services, with extensive infrastructure.

The term transit station could also be used in the future to reflect parent stops that have child stops.

Before working on different branches i would suggest merging this or branching from here, since the renaming is quite accross the project (should have done this in a separate PR, sorry...).

munterfi commented 4 months ago


I think we still need to tune the default parameters, since instead of driving to the main station with tram 3, our router suggests egressing a stop earlier at Löwenplatz and walking to the station, which is something no one would do. 😄

clukas1 commented 4 months ago


I think we still need to tune the default parameters, since instead of driving to the main station with tram 3, our router suggests egressing a stop earlier at Löwenplatz and walking to the station, which is something no one would do. 😄

Absolutely, that's why I thought we should introduce more "costs" to walks.