naviqore / public-transit-service

Public transit schedule information and connection routing service based on GTFS data and the RAPTOR algorithm.
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link

Release/v0.3.0 #74

Closed munterfi closed 3 months ago

munterfi commented 3 months ago

Draft new release v0.3.0 to conclude the current sprint.

Release notes:

## public-transit-service 0.3.0

### New Features
- **Reverse Arrival Time Direction Implementation**:
  Implemented a feature for handling reverse arrival time directions, enhancing the flexibility of the routing algorithm. [#64](
- **Application Properties with Environment Variable Support**:
  Added environment variable support, updated logging dependencies, and centralized constants for better configuration management. [#62](
- **Unified Logging Framework**:
  Streamlined the logging system by consolidating to a single framework and configuration. [#71](

### Refactoring and Organizational
- **Refactored RAPTOR Algorithm**:
  Major refactoring of the RAPTOR algorithm to improve its maintainability. [#68]

### Bug Fixes
- **Edge Case with Same Departure Times**:
  Fixed an issue where two legs having the same departure times caused incorrect behavior. [#63](