naviqore / public-transit-service

Public transit schedule information and connection routing service based on GTFS data and the RAPTOR algorithm.
MIT License
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Nav 104 simplify reduce return value for iso line rest api endpoint #75

Closed clukas1 closed 3 months ago

clukas1 commented 3 months ago

Did some refactoring of the API endpoints to allow smaller dtos for iso lines. The old return value for only the zürich tram network was 3 MB and is now done to 100 kB.

Some refactoring and more tests. I've introduced (a probably overkill) DummyService instead of mockito for the routing controller tests, the advantage being that we get more realistic return values for testing (although this might just be testing the dummyservice), however I think this might also be good when we start improving our error handling/reporting through the REST API.