naviqore / public-transit-service

Public transit schedule information and connection routing service based on GTFS data and the RAPTOR algorithm.
MIT License
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Nav 136 read accessibility information in gtfs #92

Closed clukas1 closed 2 months ago

clukas1 commented 2 months ago

Now we read accessibility information for trips and stops. Additionally we also read the bikes_allowed field for trips and built a basic Enum Mapper to map our Hierarchical Route Types to Default Route types -> to be used in our Travel Mode Query Filter.

clukas1 commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the adjustments, @clukas1!

The getter naming with is...Provider() in the schedule is still a bit clumsy 😄 Therefore I made a suggestion for retrieving and naming accessibility and bike information in e35d3d4:

* Move logic of defining the information flags to schedule itself since it is immutable and to maintain readability of the builder.

* Use fluent accessor attribute of lombok to avoid is prefix on generated getter.

If you agree with the suggestion, the PR is good to merge from my side.

Thanks looks good!