naviqore / public-transit-service

Public transit schedule information and connection routing service based on GTFS data and the RAPTOR algorithm.
MIT License
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Feature/nav 107 error handling and messages #95

Closed munterfi closed 2 months ago

munterfi commented 2 months ago

Improves error messages of the REST API. Refactor controllers and extract validators.

clukas1 commented 2 months ago

Changes look good. Only thing I'm still missing and would add to this issue is error handling in the business logic. Currently we don't have any meaningful response for a routing request for a date in the far future where the schedule does not hold any data for, or generally what happens if we have runtime errors while routing?

munterfi commented 2 months ago

Thanks @clukas1, those points are now addressed in #96.

Therefore closing this PR.