navis-org / navis

Python library for analysis of neuroanatomical data.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Switch documentation to mkdocs + mkdocs material #147

Open schlegelp opened 1 month ago

schlegelp commented 1 month ago

This is a pain in the neck but I think migrating to mkdocs would pay off in the long run:

  1. The build process is so much smoother and faster than Sphinx + RTD (live preview!)
  2. Much more modern look and feel
  3. API documentation (via mkdocstrings) is just incredible
  4. Markdown instead of freaking RST

and the lost goes on....

As an example, check out the docs for Octarine I cobbled together over a weekend.

ceesem commented 1 month ago

Having started down this path ourselves, it's less of a pain in the neck than you'd think and this sort of conversion is exactly in the wheelhouse of LLMs.