navossoc / KeePass-Yet-Another-Favicon-Downloader

Yet Another Favicon Downloader for KeePass 2.x
MIT License
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Linux Mono 4.8.0: error downloading any icons #36

Closed ftobin closed 4 years ago

ftobin commented 4 years ago

Trying to download favicons for any site fails in the Error category.

YAFD: Mono JIT compiler version 4.8.0 Keepass 2.43 Gentoo Linux

navossoc commented 4 years ago

I'll try to install a gentoo on a VM later.

Are you root certificates updated?

There are some additional information here:

To be honest I need to check if 4.8.0 still is a good fit with all this removal/deprecation around SSLv3/TLS1.0,TLS1.1.

ftobin commented 4 years ago

I did need to update root certificates, but that hasn't resolved the issue. Strangely, my database seems to be when I run the plugin downloader (keepass allows me to save the database), but it still puts up a pop-up box saying error, and there are no favicons.

As a test of my root certificates, I run: csharp -e 'new System.Net.WebClient ().DownloadString ("")'

Just as a note, I updated my certs by running: cert-sync --user /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

ciro73 commented 4 years ago

same here but update to the latest mono release (Mono JIT compiler version like suggested here solved that issue.

Mono JIT compiler version YAFD: Keepass 2.44 Ubuntu (bionic) Linux

navossoc commented 4 years ago

@ftobin any luck? @ciro73 suggestion is basically what I was planning to do.

Sorry didn't look it yet, but last time I tried to play with Gentoo wasn't a pleasant experience 🤣 .

Which Gentoo image are you using? Did you install mono and keepass from the Gentoo packages?

Let me know.

ciro73 commented 4 years ago

@navossoc I'm using Ubuntu ;-) Not very familiar with gentoo

ftobin commented 4 years ago

Gentoo's unmasked mono version is currently at

I'll try unmasking a more version tonight and see what happens. Keepass is the only thing on my system that relies on mono.

Gentoo doesn't work with "images" -- it's a rolling release system.

ftobin commented 4 years ago

It was easiest to upgrade to mono (less other dependencies needing upgrading). YAFD works fine on Gentoo on that version.