navossoc / KeePass-Yet-Another-Favicon-Downloader

Yet Another Favicon Downloader for KeePass 2.x
MIT License
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Check if the file size for the favicon is too big #60

Closed F-Wer closed 2 years ago

F-Wer commented 3 years ago

I encountered a problem with Keepass2Android, because a downloaded favicon was too huge too handle it.

Therefore a check if the file size is realistic would be nice.

An example for a website where the downloaded favicon is huge is

The downloaded favicon is 11760x11760 pixel big and has a filesize of 846kb.

navossoc commented 2 years ago

This issue still exists? Can you provide the link of this favicon?

I didn't find any oversized icon. We can set a limit...

Which will be a reasonable size? 200kb?


F-Wer commented 2 years ago

Yes this issue still exists.

I only found one example and it's Export This icon has a size of 933kb and all my other icons have a maximal size of 10kb.

navossoc commented 2 years ago

What is the URL where this icon is located?

I just found

--- EDIT --- I just found it:

It's funny how this kind of thing could happen! Anyway, it's on the TODO list for the next update.


Hrxn commented 2 years ago

Short question: Is there a part in the KeePass interface for a plugin to access the entirety of the custom icons stored in a KDBX? So that it's possible to enumerate/iterate over every icon?

navossoc commented 2 years ago

Short question: Is there a part in the KeePass interface for a plugin to access the entirety of the custom icons stored in a KDBX? So that it's possible to enumerate/iterate over every icon?

Sure, KeePass Custom Icon Dashboarder kinda does that... You should check it out too...


navossoc commented 2 years ago

@F-Wer a sneaky peak ;)


4-FLOSS-Free-Libre-Open-Source-Software commented 2 years ago

Thanks for letting the user choose the size instead forcing him. Because on hi dpi/resolution 16x16/32x32 can look ugly.

Hrxn commented 2 years ago

True... but I think the number of sites still providing only 16x16 favicons is still shockingly high 😐

navossoc commented 2 years ago

Feature added on release v1.2.5.0.