naxingyu / opensmile

A github repo of the openSMILE feature extraction tool.
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installation errors in openSmile #1

Open brianbaloch opened 8 years ago

brianbaloch commented 8 years ago

I downloaded its master version from this site. extracted it's folder. then using cmd PANEL. I gave path to file openSmile which opened my visual studio2013. then i select the release instead of debug for opensmile and kept all other options by default. as there was option of Win32. I kept it same. even though my window is 64bit. please help me. it gives of 7 errors.

  1. error MSB4019: gnuGpl.prop
  2. error C1083: 'portaudio.h' no such file
  3. error C1083: 'portaudio.h' no such file and so many
brianbaloch commented 8 years ago

Dear Sir,

                I downloaded and unzipped latest version openSMILE2.2 for Window. I am using windw7(64 bit) & Visual studio2013. thereafter I open cmd and give path of \openSMILE-2.2\ide\vs10\openSmile.sln.  it opened  visual studio 2013. then I changed option from debug to Release for 5 of them(openSmileLib , openSmileLibClassif, openSmileLibLibsvm,  openSmileLibPortaudio, SMILExtract ). and Kept all other options same like Win32 etc.  please help me. it gives me errors. please help me in resolving this issue of installation.
  1. error MSB8020: The build tools for Visual Studio 2010 (Platform Toolset = 'v100') cannot be found. To build using the v100 build tools, please install Visual Studio 2010 build tools. Alternatively, you may upgrade to the current Visual Studio tools by selecting the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then selecting "Upgrade Solution...". C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.Cpp.Platform.targets 64 5

2.error LNK1181: 'C:\Users\Hussain\Downloads\openSMILE2.2\msvcbuild\openSmileLib_Release.lib' 입력 파일을 열 수 없습니다. C:\Users\Hussain\Downloads\openSMILE-2.2\openSMILE\ide\vs10\LINK

3.error C1083: 소스 파일을 열 수 없습니다. '....\src\smileutil\smileUtilSpline.cpp': No such file or directory C:\Users\Hussain\Downloads\openSMILE-2.2\openSMILE\ide\vs10\c1xx

4.error C1083: 소스 파일을 열 수 없습니다. '....\src\smileutil\smileUtil.cpp': No such file or directory C:\Users\Hussain\Downloads\openSMILE-2.2\openSMILE\ide\vs10\c1xx

naxingyu commented 6 years ago

The repo has been updated. Please pull.

sandeeppandey456 commented 6 years ago

I downloaded and tried to install opensmile in windows 7 64 bit pc. After unzipping the folder, i went into the ide/vs10 folder and opened the opensmile.sln file in microsoft visual studio 2017. Then i selected the release and win32 configurations and tried to build the solution. the following error comes up. Please help me out in installing it without error as i am in dire need of this toolkit for feature extraction. Thanks in advance


Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: static class sComponentInfo __cdecl cSimpleMessageSender::registerComponent(class cConfigManager ,class cComponentManager )" (?registerComponent@cSimpleMessageSender@@SAPAVsComponentInfo@@PAVcConfigManager@@PAVcComponentManager@@@Z) openSmileLib C:\Users\Sandeep\Downloads\opensmile-master\opensmile-master\ide\vs10\componentManager.obj 1
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "protected: virtual void thiscall cSimpleMessageSender::fetchConfig(void)" (?fetchConfig@cSimpleMessageSender@@MAEXXZ) openSmileLib C:\Users\Sandeep\Downloads\opensmile-master\opensmile-master\ide\vs10\componentManager.obj 1
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "protected: virtual int
thiscall cSimpleMessageSender::myFinaliseInstance(void)" (?myFinaliseInstance@cSimpleMessageSender@@MAEHXZ) openSmileLib C:\Users\Sandeep\Downloads\opensmile-master\opensmile-master\ide\vs10\componentManager.obj 1
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "protected: virtual int thiscall cSimpleMessageSender::myTick(int64)" (?myTick@cSimpleMessageSender@@MAEH_J@Z) openSmileLib C:\Users\Sandeep\Downloads\opensmile-master\opensmile-master\ide\vs10\componentManager.obj 1
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "protected: virtual int __thiscall cSimpleMessageSender::processComponentMessage(class cComponentMessage
)" (?processComponentMessage@cSimpleMessageSender@@MAEHPAVcComponentMessage@@@Z) openSmileLib C:\Users\Sandeep\Downloads\opensmile-master\opensmile-master\ide\vs10\componentManager.obj 1
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual thiscall cSimpleMessageSender::~cSimpleMessageSender(void)" (??1cSimpleMessageSender@@UAE@XZ) referenced in function "public: virtual void * thiscall cSimpleMessageSender::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)" (??_EcSimpleMessageSender@@UAEPAXI@Z) openSmileLib C:\Users\Sandeep\Downloads\opensmile-master\opensmile-master\ide\vs10\componentManager.obj 1
Error LNK1120 6 unresolved externals openSmileLib C:\Users\Sandeep\Downloads\opensmile-master\msvcbuild\openSmileLib_Release.dll 1


itayrin commented 6 years ago

Hi I have the exact same problem as in the post above. Would be glad for some advice

naxingyu commented 6 years ago

@sandeeppandey456 Is this file available? C:\Users\Sandeep\Downloads\opensmile-master\msvcbuild\openSmileLib_Release.dll

naxingyu commented 6 years ago

@sandeeppandey456 @itayrin Copy the bin\Win32\openSmileLib_Release.dll to msvcbuild Then run the exe.

itayrin commented 6 years ago

@naxingyu Thanks. I ran the "./SMILExtract_Release.exe -h " and it worked. However, I'm trying to actually install the android version of openSMILE, At first I thought it must be installed in Windows first, now I'm not sure about that. Anyway, after following the openSMILE_book pdf - I downloaded and extracted the android ndk r10e (also installed a newer version - r16b by android studio), edited the relevant PATH variable in When I executed I got this:


I googled how to install these missing linux tools on windows and tried to install them by Cygwin, but it appears something was missed because I still get the same result. Any help would be appreciated!

naxingyu commented 6 years ago

@itayrin I looked at the autogen script, it simply call the tools. It seems that the tools, although installed, are not available. Try call them directly in your CLI. But generally I don't think it is an opensmile issue.

itayrin commented 6 years ago

@naxingyu Thanks again for the answer. I think that these tools aren't automatically available for the plain windows user. I'm trying to install these linux-based tools in windows for a few days now and having trouble installing them (At first tried installing with Cygwin64, didn't work so now trying with GNU32, still having problems). I don't know if you are related to the developers, but I think that if those tools are obligatory to have before installing opensmile on android, it would have been easier if it was just mentioned how to install them in the manual pdf.

Do you have by chance any experience with installing opensmile on android? maybe it's better to install it in linux and work on the app from there? I just prefered windows since I'm used to working with android studio there.

naxingyu commented 6 years ago

I don't have experience with installing opensmile on android. Sorry.

Best, Xingyu Na

On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 4:54 PM, itayrin wrote:

@naxingyu Thanks again for the answer. I think that these tools aren't automatically available for the plain windows user. I'm trying to install these linux-based tools in windows for a few days now and having trouble installing them (At first tried installing with Cygwin64, didn't work so now trying with GNU32, still having problems). I don't know if you are related to the developers, but I think that if those tools are obligatory to have before installing opensmile on android, it would have been easier if it was just mentioned how to install them in the manual pdf.

Do you have by chance any experience with installing opensmile on android? maybe it's better to install it in linux and work on the app from there? I just prefered windows since I'm used to working with android studio there.

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KA-TJB commented 6 years ago

downloaded and tried to install opensmile 2.3.0 version in windows 10 64 bit pc. After unzipping the folder, i went into the ide/vs10 folder and opened the opensmile.sln file in microsoft visual studio 2017. Then i selected the release and win32 configurations and tried to build the solution. the following error comes up. Please help me out in installing it without error . i have urgent need of feature extrection tool please help me out.. thanks installation error

kkawabat commented 6 years ago

I have the same errors as @KA-TJB.

elahia commented 5 years ago

I have the same problem as @kkawabat and @KA-TJB for installing on win10, 64bit

dangvansam commented 5 years ago

I have the same errors

dangvansam commented 5 years ago


manvikamboj commented 5 years ago

I was facing the same issue as @dangvansam98, @kkawabat ,@KA-TJB f ... contacted audeering team and they suggested to delete line 36: #include <examples/simpleMessageSender.hpp> in src/include/core/componentList.hpp . After commenting this import I was able to successfully build openSmile 2.3 repository.

sahanaamurthy commented 5 years ago

Thanks @manvikamboj, that worked for me and helped me build openSMILE without any errors. But I am unable to run the SMILExtract_release executable on Windows 10. Do you know what could be the issue?

manvikamboj commented 5 years ago

I'm able to run the executable on Windows 10 using following command on command line: /msvcbuild/SMILExtract_Release.exe -C /opensmile/config/IS09_emotion.conf -I /input.mp4.wav -O /features/output.arff One thing you can check is if you added the executable path correctly in the PATH variable for the environment variables.

sahanaamurthy commented 5 years ago

@manvikamboj Thanks for the command. I tried it on mine but I get the following error.

SMILExtract_Release.exe -C /opensmile/config/IS09_emotion.conf -I input_audio.wav -O output.arff (MSG) [2] in SMILExtract : openSMILE starting! (MSG) [2] in SMILExtract : config file is: /opensmile/config/IS09_emotion.conf (MSG) [2] in cComponentManager : successfully registered 95 component types. (ERROR) [1] in configManager : cFileConfigReader::openInput : cannot open input file '/opensmile/config/IS09_emotion.conf'! (ERROR) [1] in configManager : cFileConfigReader::openInput : cannot open input file '/opensmile/config/IS09_emotion.conf'!

It works for config/prosodyShs.conf and onfig/MFCC12_0_D_A.conf files though. But the output values are not readable. Do you know how to interpret the prosody features extracted?

manvikamboj commented 5 years ago

OpenSmile executable is running as seen in the first message. Problem is with your path...cross check if the config files are accessible from the same path as in the command from the folder you are running it from.

On Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 7:37 PM Sahana A Murthy wrote:

@manvikamboj Thanks for the command. I tried it on mine but I get the following error.

SMILExtract_Release.exe -C /opensmile/config/IS09_emotion.conf -I input_audio.wav -O output.arff (MSG) [2] in SMILExtract : openSMILE starting! (MSG) [2] in SMILExtract : config file is: /opensmile/config/IS09_emotion.conf (MSG) [2] in cComponentManager : successfully registered 95 component types. (ERROR) [1] in configManager : cFileConfigReader::openInput : cannot open input file '/opensmile/config/IS09_emotion.conf'! (ERROR) [1] in configManager : cFileConfigReader::openInput : cannot open input file '/opensmile/config/IS09_emotion.conf'!

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shiva12121 commented 4 years ago

hi i tried install opensmile on visual studio 2010 and win 8.1 64 bit but when i writ this cod : SMILExtract_Release -c has errors that see it : pleases help me image

atwing commented 4 years ago

I was facing the same issue as @dangvansam98, @kkawabat ,@KA-TJB f ... contacted audeering team and they suggested to delete line 36: #include <examples/simpleMessageSender.hpp> in src/include/core/componentList.hpp . After commenting this import I was able to successfully build openSmile 2.3 repository.

Awesome, worked for me too after commenting line 36. Many thanks! My setup: Win 10 64-bit, VS 2019, opensmile 2.3.0, build configuration: Release Win32. Though, I found my build in the home directory "~/msvcbuild/" instead of "opensmile/msvcbuild" like indicated in the openSMILE manual PDF.

MatjazBostic commented 4 years ago

I still get this error. My file "src/include/core/componentList.hpp" doesn't contain the line #include <examples/simpleMessageSender.hpp> What am I doing wrong?

vybhav72954 commented 4 years ago

/msvcbuild/SMILExtract_Release.exe -C /opensmile/config/IS09_emotion.conf -I /input.mp4.wav -O /features/output.arff

Can you explain how to edit the Environment Variable in this case

atwing commented 4 years ago

I still get this error. My file "src/include/core/componentList.hpp" doesn't contain the line #include <examples/simpleMessageSender.hpp> What am I doing wrong?

are you running opensmile 2.3.0?

This is what my file looks like: Screenshot_169

atwing commented 4 years ago

/msvcbuild/SMILExtract_Release.exe -C /opensmile/config/IS09_emotion.conf -I /input.mp4.wav -O /features/output.arff

Can you explain how to edit the Environment Variable in this case

@vybhav72954 In command prompt, to check your current environment variables: echo %PATH% To modify environment variable setx PATH=%PATH%;C:\your\path\here\

Example: setx PATH=%PATH%;C:\User\testuser\msvcbuild\ then run openSMILE via: SMILExtract_Release.exe -C /opensmile/config/IS09_emotion.conf -I /input.mp4.wav -O /features/output.arff

Tested on Windows 10

vybhav72954 commented 4 years ago

/msvcbuild/SMILExtract_Release.exe -C /opensmile/config/IS09_emotion.conf -I /input.mp4.wav -O /features/output.arff

Can you explain how to edit the Environment Variable in this case

@vybhav72954 In command prompt, to check your current environment variables: echo %PATH% To modify environment variable setx PATH=%PATH%;C:\your\path\here\

Example: setx PATH=%PATH%;C:\User\testuser\msvcbuild\ then run openSMILE via: SMILExtract_Release.exe -C /opensmile/config/IS09_emotion.conf -I /input.mp4.wav -O /features/output.arff

Tested on Windows 10

Thank you so much, the solution does works, but apparently, that was not the problem in my case, I was just feeding the wrong path for the conf file in my Python Code, Thank you

Antimatterr commented 3 years ago

downloaded and tried to install opensmile 2.3.0 version in windows 10 64 bit pc. After unzipping the folder, i went into the ide/vs10 folder and opened the opensmile.sln file in microsoft visual studio 2017. Then i selected the release and win32 configurations and tried to build the solution. the following error comes up. Please help me out in installing it without error . i have urgent need of feature extrection tool please help me out.. thanks installation error

Antimatterr commented 3 years ago
