naxingyu / opensmile

A github repo of the openSMILE feature extraction tool.
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Opensmile feature extraction error in ubuntu 18.04 #25

Open ghost opened 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

After using this command " SMILExtract -cfgFileTemplate -configDflt cWaveSource,cFramer,cEnergy, cCsvSink -l 1 2> demo1.conf " two files are generated 'demo1.conf' & 'smile.log' and after opening 'demo1.conf' to modify as told in opensmile pdf guide I got the following errors -------

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // openSMILE configuration template file generated by SMILExtract binary // // you must manually adapt this file and change at least the // // 'reader/writer.dmLevel =' lines. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

;===== component manager configuration (= list of enabled components!) =====

[componentInstances:cComponentManager] // this line configures the default data memory: instance[dataMemory].type = cDataMemory instance[waveSource].type = cWaveSource instance[framer].type = cFramer instance[energy].type = cEnergy (ERROR) [1] in configManager : Type '' not found! It seems, that this component does not exist! // Here you can control the amount of detail displayed for the data memory // level configuration. 0 is no information at all, 5 is maximum detail. printLevelStats = 1 // You can set the number of parallel threads (experimental): nThreads = 1

// ============= component configuration sections begin here ==============

;;;; default (template) configuration section for component 'cWaveSource' ;;;; [waveSource:cWaveSource] writer.dmLevel = <> basePeriod = -1 filename = input.wav properTimestamps = 0 monoMixdown = 1 // segmentList[] = start = 0 end = -1 endrel = 0 noHeader = 0 outFieldName = pcm

;;;; default (template) configuration section for component 'cFramer' ;;;; [framer:cFramer] reader.dmLevel = <> writer.dmLevel = <> // nameAppend = copyInputName = 1 EOIlevel = 0 allowLastFrameIncomplete = 0 frameMode = fixed // frameListFile = // frameList = frameSize = 0.025000 frameStep = 0 frameCenterSpecial = left noPostEOIprocessing = 1

;;;; default (template) configuration section for component 'cEnergy' ;;;; [energy:cEnergy] reader.dmLevel = <> writer.dmLevel = <> nameAppend = energy copyInputName = 1 EOIlevel = 0 processArrayFields = 0 includeSingleElementFields = 0 preserveFieldNames = 1 htkcompatible = 0 rms = 1 energy2 = 0 log = 1 escaleLog = 1 escaleRms = 1 escaleSquare = 1 ebiasLog = 0 ebiasRms = 0 ebiasSquare = 0

(ERROR) [1] in configManager : Type '' not found! It seems, that this component does not exist!

// ################### END OF openSMILE CONFIG FILE ######################

I don't know whhich component is missing so that it is not generating this :

[ c s v S i n k : cCsvSink ] r e a d e r . dmLevel = e n e r g y f i l e n a m e = myenergy . c s v