This project is a loose implementation of paper "Algorithmic Financial Trading with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: Time Series to Image Conversion Approach"
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I run into a index error when running stock_keras.ipynb first cell. #2
When I run the first cell of the notebook stock_keras.ipynb, i got the following error. This is appearing after doing all the labels for every technical indicators except the IBR.
Here is the context :
running ['./', 'WMT', 'original']
1 ) 28-07-2020 16_40_55 MainThread INFO\ Initialized logging at path ../outputs/fresh_rolling_train/logs/log_WMT_original_fresh_rolling_train_28-07-2020_16_40_55.log
Tensorflow devices
path to company data: ../stock_history/WMT/WMT.csv
2 ) 28-07-2020 16_40_55 MainThread DEBUG\ Data for WMT ready to use
3 ) 28-07-2020 16_40_55 MainThread DEBUG\ Technical indicators already calculated. Loading...
4 ) 28-07-2020 16_40_55 MainThread DEBUG\ Dropped 26 nan rows before label calculation
5 ) 28-07-2020 16_40_55 MainThread DEBUG\ creating label with original paper strategy
Calculating labels
HBox(children=(IntProgress(value=0, max=5007), HTML(value='')))
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/Downloads/stock_cnn_blog_pub-master/src/ in
72 start_time = time.time()
---> 73 data_gen = DataGenerator(company_code, PATH_TO_COMPANY_DATA, OUTPUT_PATH, strategy_type, False, logger)
74 # exit here, since training is done with stock_keras.ipynb.
75 # comment sys.exit() if you want to try out rolling window training.
In your while loop, window_middle is divided by 2 and it becomes a float.
Cast it back as an integer or you can try to use int(window_middle) instead of window_middle
When I run the first cell of the notebook stock_keras.ipynb, i got the following error. This is appearing after doing all the labels for every technical indicators except the IBR.
Here is the context : running ['./', 'WMT', 'original'] ../stock_history/WMT ../outputs/fresh_rolling_train ../stock_history/WMT/WMT.csv 1 ) 28-07-2020 16_40_55 MainThread INFO\ Initialized logging at path ../outputs/fresh_rolling_train/logs/log_WMT_original_fresh_rolling_train_28-07-2020_16_40_55.log Tensorflow devices path to company data: ../stock_history/WMT/WMT.csv 2 ) 28-07-2020 16_40_55 MainThread DEBUG\ Data for WMT ready to use 3 ) 28-07-2020 16_40_55 MainThread DEBUG\ Technical indicators already calculated. Loading... 4 ) 28-07-2020 16_40_55 MainThread DEBUG\ Dropped 26 nan rows before label calculation 5 ) 28-07-2020 16_40_55 MainThread DEBUG\ creating label with original paper strategy Calculating labels HBox(children=(IntProgress(value=0, max=5007), HTML(value='')))
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last) ~/Downloads/stock_cnn_blog_pub-master/src/ in
72 start_time = time.time()
---> 73 data_gen = DataGenerator(company_code, PATH_TO_COMPANY_DATA, OUTPUT_PATH, strategy_type, False, logger)
74 # exit here, since training is done with stock_keras.ipynb.
75 # comment sys.exit() if you want to try out rolling window training.
~/Downloads/stock_cnn_blog_pub-master/src/ in init(self, company_code, data_path, output_path, strategy_type, update, logger) 40 self.update = update 41 self.download_stock_data() ---> 42 self.df = self.create_features() 43 self.feat_idx = self.feature_selection() 44 self.one_hot_enc = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False, categories='auto')
~/Downloads/stock_cnn_blog_pub-master/src/ in create_features(self) 266 short = self.strategytype.split('')[0] 267 long = self.strategytype.split('')[1] --> 268 df['labels'] = self.create_label_short_long_ma_crossover(df, 'close', short, long) 269 else: 270 df['labels'] = self.create_labels(df, 'close')
~/Downloads/stock_cnn_blog_pub-master/src/ in create_labels(self, df, col_name, window_size) 142 143 labels[window_middle] = 1 --> 144 else: 145 146 labels[window_middle] = 2
IndexError: only integers, slices (
), ellipsis (...
), numpy.newaxis (None
) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices