nayaverdier / halohome

A python library to control Eaton HALO Home Smart Lights
MIT License
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Possible C++/Arduino port? #4

Open oyvindkinsey opened 1 year ago

oyvindkinsey commented 1 year ago

With the chances of controlling the lights via BT in Home Assistant looking bleak - what do you think about porting the basic logic to c++ so it can be run on a simple ESP32 or similar, exposing the entities via MQTT?

aeonSolutions commented 1 year ago

You will find an Arduino Studio (c++) port of the Eaton Halo Home Lights here:

oyvindkinsey commented 1 year ago

That's unfortunately just using the bridge via the API, and I'm looking for a fully self hosted solution.

aeonSolutions commented 1 year ago

OK. I can code that for you. Send me a message on WhatsApp +32 471 632 520 .