nayrk / Blink

Amazon Blink Video Downloader
60 stars 23 forks source link

Anyway to tweak the code to download "not" new files? #22

Open imac211 opened 2 years ago

imac211 commented 2 years ago

This program works great and by design captures all the new video shots. Is there a way I can tweak the code to where I can download "old" videos or "seen" videos, and not skip downloaded files. My 60 day window of them being stored on the cloud is coming up soon and hope someone can help me.

jg24001 commented 2 years ago

Once they are on my computer I just delete them from the (horrible!) app on my phone that deletes from the cloud storage so that it can fill back up again..

CBR9612 commented 2 years ago

If I understand your question, you want to download every video in your Blink cloud. The way the script works is that it checks to see what videos are already in the folder you are saving to, so all you have to do to get every video again is to clear out that folder, or point it to a new, empty folder. Good luck!