nayzo / NzoUrlEncryptorBundle

Symfony Bundle used to Encrypt and Decrypt data and variables in the Web application
MIT License
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Migrate from v4.3.1 to v4.3.2 #43

Closed Fosse closed 4 years ago

Fosse commented 4 years ago

From version v4.3.2 the config parameter "secret_iv" is required. I've used the NzoUrlEncryptorBundle without a "secret_iv" in the past. How can I migrate to v4.3.2 without losing my data?

So my current configuration basically is just:

  secret_key: ************```
nayzo commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately there is no straight forward way to do that, unless you re-enter your data again after setting the iv secret. The secret_iv is required to guarantee more security to the encrypted data.

Fosse commented 4 years ago

Thank for your quick response.

Would it not be possible to include some functionality to allow people to still decrypt those values? Something like the following:

 * Decrypt values created without Iv
 * @param string $encrypted
 * @return string
 * @deprecated
public function decryptWithoutIv($encrypted)
    $decrypted = openssl_decrypt(
        substr(hash(self::HASH_ALGORITHM, $this->secretKey), 0, 16)

    return trim($decrypted);
nayzo commented 4 years ago

This will make maintaining the bundle more harder and less secure ! On your own risk you can still be using the v4.3.1 but it's not recommended.

Fosse commented 4 years ago

I understand that part. However I'm afraid that this way people are forced into using an old version just because there's basically no way to simply upgrade. People staying indefinitely at an old version feels like even a bigger security risk.

Either way I think that most people would assume that a patch version change would not lead to backward incompatibility. Add the issue that there's basically no way to migrate from 4.3.1 to 4.3.2 for this use case I would say it would be worth it to add some functionality to help people out.

I assume this could be a special version number designed for migration to prevent such code in the normal releases I guess.

nayzo commented 4 years ago

I see your point, but it is the pupose of the security patch. There is no meaning in having a speacial version if the changes are the same as the old version. This will lead to more confusion ! There is only two cases here:

There is no other option I'm afraid.