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[PD] Teamwork project retrospective #213

Open nazaninsaedi opened 2 months ago

nazaninsaedi commented 2 months ago

From Module-JS3 created by kfklein15: CodeYourFuture/Module-JS3#230

Coursework content

As you know, from the other retrospectives done so far, it is important that the team can reflect on their processes and achievements, identify areas for improvement, and foster a culture of continuous learning and growth.

Organise/attend a final call with your team and think retrospectively about your project.

Share your opinions on a collaborative board (e.g. Google Jamboard) and add the link for this board to your project board.

Estimated time in hours (PD has max 4 per week total)


What is the purpose of this assignment?

To identify achievements and things that need to be improved as a result of working as a team.

How to submit

Anything else?


nazaninsaedi commented 2 months ago

What Went Well: Achievements: We successfully built a functional application that allows users to browse TV shows .

Team Dynamics: Collaboration within the team was excellent throughout the project. We effectively utilised functions and array restructuring to modularise our code, making it easier to maintain and debug. Regular code reviews and pair programming sessions helped ensure code quality and fostered knowledge sharing among team members. Learnings: Personally, I gained valuable experience in working with asynchronous JavaScript and handling API requests. Implementing features like pagination and search functionality enhanced my understanding of JavaScript fundamentals and strengthened my problem-solving skills. What Didn't Go That Well: Challenges Faced: We encountered challenges in managing asynchronous operations, particularly when fetching data from the API. Coordinating multiple fetch requests and handling errors gracefully proved to be more complex than anticipated, leading to some delays in feature implementation. Areas of Improvement: In retrospect, our initial project planning could have been more detailed, particularly in defining the scope and requirements of the application. Additionally, we could have benefited from more thorough testing procedures to identify and address potential bugs earlier in the development process. Missed Opportunities: We missed an opportunity to implement more advanced features, such as user authentication and personalised recommendations. These features could have added value to the application and provided a more engaging experience for users. What Would You Do Differently: Process Changes: For future projects, I would advocate for a more structured approach to project planning, including a detailed breakdown of features and dependencies. Implementing a clear roadmap and prioritising tasks based on their impact would help streamline development and ensure that key milestones are met on time. Communication Enhancement: To improve communication, I suggest establishing clearer channels for discussing project requirements and addressing technical challenges. Regular stand-up meetings and sprint retrospectives would provide opportunities for team members to voice their concerns and collaborate on solutions. Technical Skills Enhancement: Moving forward, I would prioritise deepening my understanding of asynchronous JavaScript and exploring advanced concepts like Promises and async/await. Investing time in mastering these concepts would not only benefit future projects but also enhance my overall proficiency as a JavaScript developer.