nazaninsaedi / Coursework-Planner

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[PD] Learning to Learn #28

Open nazaninsaedi opened 10 months ago

nazaninsaedi commented 10 months ago

From Coursework-Planner created by nazaninsaedi: nazaninsaedi/Coursework-Planner#25

From Coursework-Planner created by nazaninsaedi: nazaninsaedi/Coursework-Planner#24

From Course-Fundamentals created by SallyMcGrath: CodeYourFuture/Course-Fundamentals#8

Coursework content

Estimated time in hours


What is the purpose of this assignment?

You can use your Github project board to structure your learning like Sarah's. Create your own issues for blocks of learning and schedule them into your week.

Then I take all of those features, write them out, and estimate how much time I’ll need for each one. Here’s an example where I wrote out all the things I needed to learn. The yellow numbers on the side are my time estimates in half hour units.

How to submit

Create your own ticket with your own learning goals.

nazaninsaedi commented 10 months ago
  1. Basic Concepts (10-15 hours):

Variables, Data Types, and Operators: 3 hours Control Flow: Conditionals (if, else, switch) and Loops (for, while): 4 hours Functions and Scope: 5 hours Arrays and Objects: 5 hours

  1. DOM Manipulation (Client-side) (15-20 hours):

Introduction to the DOM: 5 hours Selecting Elements and Modifying Content: 7.5 hours Handling Events: Respond to user actions like clicks, input, etc: 7.5 hours

  1. Asynchronous Programming (20-25 hours):

Callbacks and Asynchronous Concepts: 6 hours Promises: 10 hours 'async/await': 9 hours

  1. ES6 and Beyond (10-15 hours):

Arrow Functions, 'let' and 'const': 4 hours Template Literals, Spread and Rest Operators: 5.5 hours Destructuring, Modules: 5.5 hours

  1. Functions and Closures (10-15 hours):

Functions and their Uses: 6 hours Closures and Higher-Order Functions: 9 hours

  1. Error Handling (5-10 hours):

Introduction to Error Handling: 4 hours 'try...catch' for Synchronous and Asynchronous Code: 6 hours

  1. JSON(3 hours):

Understanding JSON Syntax and Usage

  1. AJAX and APIs (15-20 hours):

Making HTTP Requests with fetch: 7 hours Working with APIs: 13 hours

  1. Basic Browser Compatibility (2-3 hours):

Introduction to Cross-Browser Compatibility: 3 hours

  1. Debugging and Developer Tools (10-15hours):

Using Browser Developer Tools: 15 hours

  1. Projects and Practice (Ongoing):

Allocate a substantial portion of your learning time for working on projects and coding exercises.

JayMayer commented 10 months ago

Hi @nazaninsaedi, can you link to the new GitHub issue you created in these comments?

nazaninsaedi commented 10 months ago

@JayMayer what should I do? can you please little explain about it?

nazaninsaedi commented 10 months ago

Learning CSS:

  1. CSS Fundamentals (10-15 hours): Introduction to CSS: 2 hours Selectors and Styles: 3 hours Box Model (Margins, Borders, Padding): 3 hours Display and Positioning: 4 hours Typography and Colurs: 3 hours

  2. Layout and Flex box (15-20 hours): CSS Layout Models: 4 hours Floats and Clearing: 3 hours Flex box Layout: 6 hours Grid Layout: 7 hours

  3. Responsive Web Design (20-25 hours): Media Queries: 5 hours Fluid Layouts: 4 hours CSS Frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap): 8 hours Mobile-First Design: 8 hours

  4. Transitions and Animations (10-15 hours): CSS Transitions: 4 hours CSS Animations: 6 hours Keyframes and Timing Functions: 5 hours

  5. Advanced CSS (10-15 hours): CSS Variables (Custom Properties): 3 hours CSS Preprocessors (e.g., SASS/SCSS): 5 hours CSS Architecture and Methodologies (BEM, SMACSS): 4 hours CSS-in-JS (Optional, for advanced use cases): 3 hours

  6. Cross-Browser Compatibility (5-10 hours): Cross-Browser Testing and Debugging: 4 hours Vendor Prefixes: 3 hours CSS Feature Detection: 3 hours

  7. CSS Frameworks and Libraries (5-10 hours): Explore popular CSS frameworks like Foundation, Bulma , or Tailwind CSS: 5-10 hours (time may vary depending on the chosen framework)

  8. CSS Optimisation and Performance (5-10 hours): Magnification and Compression: 3 hours Critical CSS: 4 hours Efficient Selectors: 3 hours

  9. Accessibility and SEO with CSS (5 hours): Making Websites Accessible: 3 hours SEO Best Practices: 2 hours

  10. Projects and Practice (Ongoing): Allocate a substantial portion of your learning time to working on projects that involve designing and styling web pages using CSS. This hands-on experience is essential for mastering CSS.

JayMayer commented 9 months ago

Hi Nazanin, the task is about creating a new "Issue" on GitHub. You can create an issue in the repository (then add it to the project), or create an issue directly on the project using the "+ Add item" button at the bottom of each column.

Doing so will help you to get familiar with creating issues to track your 'to do list' of things to learn or work to complete.