nbarthelemy / twitter-bootstrap-rails-cdn

Twitter Boostrap CDN support for Rails 3 and 4
MIT License
9 stars 5 forks source link

Rails 4 fixes. #3

Closed jocubeit closed 11 years ago

jocubeit commented 11 years ago

Updated to require Rails engine for Rails version >= 3.1. JS and CSS paths were being incorrectly generated as /javascripts/bootstrap-3.0.0.min.js and /stylesheets/bootstrap-3.0.0.min.css in Rails 4 projects in local environments (development/test), instead of /assets/bootstrap-3.0.0.min.js and /assets/bootstrap-3.0.0.min.css. Railtie is still required.

Updated README to reflect that :netdna is required to be passed as no default values are set in the method signatures for twitter_bootstrap_javascript_include_tag and twitter_bootstrap_stylesheet_link_tag as they are in the matching *_url methods.

I'd suggest bumping the minor version to force updates on existing projects.

Great project! Coupled with jquery-rails-cdn this cuts down a lot of time in the asset recompilation. Thanks!