Closed ghost closed 3 years ago
Yeah, I wanted that too actually. Use bitcoind to publish transactions, get block hashes and estimate fees, but trustedcoin to fetch the full blocks. However that requires an entirely new plugin.
The default bcli thing to be rewritten and then we just swap out the blocks part for the trustedcoin one. It's easy, but I didn't have time yet.
If you want to tackle that, I would recommend maybe copying code from trustedcoin and from this bcli rewrite:
awesome - thanks for the link. i will see what i can do and if it is also easy for me to implement. will update here if i have something to show
i implemented this in the most reckless way (depending only on and not verifying blocks) - it works for some hours now with my node. will probably add something similar used by trustedcoin (more explorers and validate the blocks):
will close this, because it is not really an issue with trustedcoin
lightning-cli estimatefees
multiple times - the fees jump from one second to the other. i guess this is because the 3 esplora instances return different feeratesthe first point i could solve with just using one esplora backend (which kind of makes it less reliable if that backend goes bust, but would be kind of okay) - but i am not sure about the second point. would it be possible to use bitcoind for the estimatefees call and the esplora instances for the rest, especially getting the blocks? i would like to use trustedcoin with a pruned bitcoind backend
i also looked into btc-rpx-proxy (which would support getting missing blocks), but failed to run it on openbsd
edit: maybe i could use something like edit2: maybe i can tweak trustedcoin itself here to get similar feerates