nbdd0121 / wsld

WSL Daemon - Stable X11 connection and time synchronisation for WSL2
Apache License 2.0
298 stars 24 forks source link

Build eror on Debian 10 WSL #11

Closed fberlakovich closed 3 years ago

fberlakovich commented 3 years ago

When I try to install wsld in WSL with cargo install --git https://github.com/nbdd0121/wsld wsld the installation fails with

   Compiling tokio-macros v1.1.0
error: unexpected `self` parameter in function
   --> <HOME>/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/tokio-1.2.0/src/net/tcp/stream.rs:627:40
627 |         pub fn try_read_buf<B: BufMut>(&self, buf: &mut B) -> io::Result<usize> {
    |                                        ^^^^^ not valid as function parameter
    = note: `self` is only valid as the first parameter of an associated function

error: expected one of `async`, `const`, `crate`, `default`, `extern`, `fn`, `pub`, `type`, or `unsafe`, found `#[doc =
  r" Try to read data from the stream into the provided buffer, advancing the"]
#[doc = r" buffer's internal cursor, returning how many bytes were read."]
#[doc = r""]
#[doc =
  r" Receives any pending data from the socket but does not wait for new data"]
#[doc = r" to arrive. On success, returns the number of bytes read. Because"]
#[doc =
  r" `try_read_buf()` is non-blocking, the buffer does not have to be stored by"]
#[doc = r" the async task and can exist entirely on the stack."]
#[doc = r""]
#[doc =
  r" Usually, [`readable()`] or [`ready()`] is used with this function."]
#[doc = r""]
#[doc = r" [`readable()`]: TcpStream::readable()"]
#[doc = r" [`ready()`]: TcpStream::ready()"]
#[doc = r""]
#[doc = r" # Return"]
#[doc = r""]
#[doc =
  r" If data is successfully read, `Ok(n)` is returned, where `n` is the"]
#[doc =
  r" number of bytes read. `Ok(0)` indicates the stream's read half is closed"]
#[doc =
  r" and will no longer yield data. If the stream is not ready to read data"]
#[doc = r" `Err(io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock)` is returned."]
#[doc = r""]
#[doc = r" # Examples"]
#[doc = r""]
#[doc = r" ```no_run"]
#[doc = r" use tokio::net::TcpStream;"]
#[doc = r" use std::error::Error;"]
#[doc = r" use std::io;"]
#[doc = r""]
#[doc = r" #[tokio::main]"]
#[doc = r" async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {"]
#[doc = r"     // Connect to a peer"]
#[doc = r#"     let stream = TcpStream::connect("").await?;"#]
#[doc = r""]
#[doc = r"     loop {"]
#[doc = r"         // Wait for the socket to be readable"]
#[doc = r"         stream.readable().await?;"]
#[doc = r""]
#[doc = r"         let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(4096);"]
#[doc = r""]
#[doc =
  r"         // Try to read data, this may still fail with `WouldBlock`"]
#[doc = r"         // if the readiness event is a false positive."]
#[doc = r"         match stream.try_read_buf(&mut buf) {"]
#[doc = r"             Ok(0) => break,"]
#[doc = r"             Ok(n) => {"]
#[doc = r#"                 println!("read {} bytes", n);"#]
#[doc = r"             }"]
#[doc =
  r"             Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {"]
#[doc = r"                 continue;"]
#[doc = r"             }"]
#[doc = r"             Err(e) => {"]
#[doc = r"                 return Err(e.into());"]
#[doc = r"             }"]
#[doc = r"         }"]
#[doc = r"     }"]
#[doc = r""]
#[doc = r"     Ok(())"]
#[doc = r" }"]
#[doc = r" ```"]
pub fn try_read_buf<B: BufMut>(self: (/*ERROR*/), buf: &mut B)
 -> io::Result<usize> {
                                          use std::io::Read;
                                          let dst = buf.chunk_mut();
                                          let dst =
                                              unsafe {
                                                  &mut *(dst as *mut _ as
                                                             *mut [std::mem::MaybeUninit<u8>]
                                                             as *mut [u8])
                                          let n = (&*self.io).read(dst)?;
                                          unsafe { buf.advance_mut(n); }
   --> <HOME>/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/tokio-1.2.0/src/macros/cfg.rs:132:13
131 |               #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "io-util")))]
    |                                                                 - expected one of 9 possible tokens
132 |               $item
    |               ^^^^^ unexpected token
   ::: <HOME>/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/tokio-1.2.0/src/net/tcp/stream.rs:569:5
569 | /     cfg_io_util! {
570 | |         /// Try to read data from the stream into the provided buffer, advancing the
571 | |         /// buffer's internal cursor, returning how many bytes were read.
572 | |         ///
...   |
645 | |         }
646 | |     }
    | |_____- in this macro invocation

error: aborting due to 2 previous errors

The prebuilt binaries work fine, however.

Thanks for the awesome work!