nbendriem / STAT545-HW-bendriem-nathan

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hw01 ready for grading #1

Open nbendriem opened 7 years ago

nbendriem commented 7 years ago

@vincenzocoia @gvdr @ksedivyhaley @joeybernhardt @pgonzaleze @derekcho

emilymistick commented 7 years ago

Dear Nathan,

1. README Your personal intro README is great! It is clean, clear, and concise, and it demonstrates several examples of Markdown syntax (headers, lists, and a GIF). Awesome.

In my own homework, I added photos but not a gif, so I checked out your source code and learned how to do it. Looks similar to the code I used, just linking to the address for a gif rather than an image, and you have empty square brackets where I used [alt text].




![alt text](http://i64.tinypic.com/wslavr.jpg){width=400px}

I also changed the width on mine. I wonder if that would work for your gif, and I wonder if mine would work with empty square brackets.

2. Gapminder It would have been helpful if you had provided a link in the README to the other assignment file (Gapminder exercise). I looked through your repo to find it, and unfortunately I’m only seeing the .Rmd file which doesn’t open nicely in GitHub. So that viewers can easily see your file in the GitHub environment, you should push the .md version of your R markdown file. (As you have done for the README.md which works and is awesome).

best, Emily

juansbr7 commented 7 years ago

Hi Nathan,

Nice work. It was great that you used a gif. I tried to use images and gifs in mine but the links kept breaking, so I had to download them to my pc and upload them into my repo to make them work (quick fix but not ideal). Also, it was great that you downloaded the software and worked in your Rstudio. It will help you develop the habit of pulling and pushing files to the GitHub repo.
Good work


derekcho commented 7 years ago

Hi @nbendriem ! Here are some comments about your hw01:

Your README file looks excellent! Everything is neat and tidy and you used many different Markdown syntaxes. However, your hw01_gapminder.Rmd file could use a bit more work. Try to include the .md file when you submit your assignment since .Rmd files do not render plots on GitHub. Also, you do not need to include the YAML at the top (so that things look a little neater). Whenever you make plots on markdown, make sure that you provide a bit of text explaining your plots. Good work overall!

Note: your mark (check minus, check, check plus) will be distributed later.