nbendriem / STAT545-HW-bendriem-nathan

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HW #03 is ready for grading #3

Open nbendriem opened 6 years ago

angmelanie commented 6 years ago

Hi Nathan,

Great job on your homework! I agree with you that the homeworks are taking longer but things are definitely making more sense. From peer reviewing your homework 3, it looks like you're applying class material nicely in your assignment. I have a few more specific comments below:

Overall: I thought everything was well displayed, clear and concise. Axis and aspects ratios are visible. Tables have additional stylized features that go beyond the course (kable_styling). Code is concise. Your repo is organized and it was easy to find your assignment.

See you in class! Melanie

gbraich commented 6 years ago


Nice job on the homework! The README was easy to read, but it may be helpful to include links in the future.

Task 1-Life Expectancy Changing Over Time- The dplyr functions were easy to follow and the table was nicely formatted using kable. The plots were well chosen (facet wrapped by continent with points) and fitting a line made it easy to see the trend by continent. It would be helpful if you included some commentary on the data.

Task 2-Max and min gap per capita by continent- The functions and table were laid out well. The plot looked good, although it might have been useful to put a line through the min and max points to clearly see the trends and not have any confusion in the two points plotted on the same x coordinate.

Task 3-Trimmed life expectancy- This was well done in terms of the table and the plot. My only suggestion would be that if you wanted to keep the descending order from the table into the x axis of your plot, your could in the future designate your resulting table as a new variable and use that variable to pipe into ggplot.

Task 3-Low life expectancy and low GDP per capita-Also well done and easy to follow. Excellent tables and plots.

Overall I thought the homework was done well and you exceed expectations by completing four out of the three required tasks. I thought it would have been helpful to have more commentary in your document about the tasks and inferences on the findings of your tables and plots. Your use of formatting for the tables and the plots was great and made the document very easy to read.

Great work!


derekcho commented 6 years ago

Hi @nbendriem! Here are some comments about your hw03

Note: your mark (check minus, check, check plus) will be distributed later.