nbenkl01 / Sp24-CS-120_FinalProject

This repository contains all work included in the CS-120 Web Programming Final Project.
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Implement Create New Posting page #27

Open CaseyMOwen opened 5 months ago

CaseyMOwen commented 5 months ago

Page that allows users to post new items to the site - show the user the price the credits they would get if sold (based on proportional to API price, maybe 1 credit per $0.01 worth?). They should be able to enter title/author/ISBN of book, have API try to get info on it (in a perfect world show picture of cover, description, etc.) and then button to post it to site

CaseyMOwen commented 4 months ago

New idea - not just directly posting, but add to your db as owned but not available. Separate page (My items) allows for making owned books available. Use Jins code to search for books with API, and show options - click of a button adds that option to your owned books and creates record in db. Possibly also option to create custom book if API could not find it.