nbering / terraform-inventory

An Ansible dynamic inventory script to pair with nbering/terraform-provider-ansible.
MIT License
175 stars 51 forks source link

hostvars is emply when run ./terraform.py #22

Open patsevanton opened 3 years ago

patsevanton commented 3 years ago

Hello. Thanks for terraform-inventory.

terraform -version Terraform v0.11.14

apply terraform from repo https://github.com/yandex-cloud/examples/tree/master/active-directory

Run terraform.py

  "_meta": {
    "hostvars": {}

terraform -version Terraform v0.12.29

Simple terraform main.tf:

  resources {
    cores  = 2
    memory = 4

  boot_disk {
    initialize_params {
      image_id = "fd87va5cc00gaq2f5qfb"

  network_interface {
    subnet_id = yandex_vpc_subnet.subnet-1.id
    nat       = true

  metadata = {
    ssh-keys = "ubuntu:${file("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")}"

resource "yandex_vpc_network" "network-1" {
  name = "network1"

resource "yandex_vpc_subnet" "subnet-1" {
  name           = "subnet1"
  zone           = "ru-central1-a"
  network_id     = yandex_vpc_network.network-1.id
  v4_cidr_blocks = [""]

output "internal_ip_address_vm_1" {
  value = yandex_compute_instance.vm-1.network_interface.0.ip_address

output "internal_ip_address_vm_2" {
  value = yandex_compute_instance.vm-2.network_interface.0.ip_address

output "external_ip_address_vm_1" {
  value = yandex_compute_instance.vm-1.network_interface.0.nat_ip_address

output "external_ip_address_vm_2" {
  value = yandex_compute_instance.vm-2.network_interface.0.nat_ip_address

Run terraform.py

  "_meta": {
    "hostvars": {}
nbering commented 3 years ago

The documentation with some simple samples can guide you through setting up your Terraform configuration for use with this inventory script. You need the Terraform resources so that what you're bringing over to Ansible is explicitly defined. My introductory blog post may also serve as a good primer for how the components work together. The provider is also available in the terraform registry. I haven't yet updated the docs to cover that.