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Species search auto complete input box #4

Open h-m-jones opened 11 months ago

h-m-jones commented 11 months ago

Implement a React component for an input box that works like the species search input box on this page: https://species.nbnatlas.org/

Note: this task does not include implementation of the submit button, just the <input box.

The auto complete API call

The auto complete API call is detailed on the NBN Atlas API page. Look for Auto Complete Search - https://species-ws.nbnatlas.org/search/auto

Tip: Inspect the page to see the calls going to the server


Bootstrap 5.

Note: Can the styling be configurable?


initially we just need to pass the species name out of the component



kata-kas commented 9 months ago


Just stumbled upon this project. Can I take this task? 😄

h-m-jones commented 9 months ago

hey - yes of course, give it a go :) Any questions just ask

kata-kas commented 9 months ago

I see that Tailwind is used in the project, but in this task it's required Bootstrap 5. Do I continue with Bootstrap?

h-m-jones commented 9 months ago

It might sound a silly question, but what would you prefer? Have you tailwind experience -if not, would you like it? It's still a bit debatable - stick with good old Bootstrap, with its ready built UI components or follow the new way and adopt tailwind.

kata-kas commented 9 months ago

Worked with tailwind for a couple of years now. The only thing that I don't like it's the never ending classes list. I would go with Tailwind, since it allows more granular control and has a smaller footprint.

h-m-jones commented 9 months ago

Brilliant, go with tailwind then please. I do have a pull request imminent, which will bring in some improvements to the src structure (including a shared lib) and I have also written hooks to get the data from the api (its all very nice!I) I plan to get that sorted tomorrow. Im sure it will all make sense when you see it and you can change things accordingly if need be, without too much trouble

kata-kas commented 9 months ago

So I basically finished my part. Should I wait for that PR or just go ahead and create my own? I'm a bit confused 😅