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Replacement spatial layers #758

Closed CEJohnston closed 4 years ago

CEJohnston commented 4 years ago

Seven layers require updating. These arise from the set being monitored by the ADH. I will provide details as the pre-upload checks are completed.

CEJohnston commented 4 years ago

Here are the first four layers to be replaced:

  1. Layer to be replaced: ID 120 Layer display name: Special Areas of Conservation (Scotland) Zip file name: SAC_SCOTLAND_multipartWGS84.zip Shapefile name: SAC_SCOTLAND_multipartWGS84.shp Unique ID field: PA_CODE Name field: NAME Publication date: 01/07/2019 Topology check: crashed during check for overlaps; otherwise OK

  2. Layer to be replaced: ID 119 Layer display name: Special Protection Areas (Scotland) Zip file name: SPA_SCOTLAND_multipartWGS84.zip Shapefile name: SPA_SCOTLAND_multipartWGS84.shp Unique ID field: PA_CODE Name field: NAME Publication date: 01/07/2019 Topology check: crashed during check for overlaps; otherwise OK

  3. Layer to be replaced: ID 124 Layer display name: Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas (Scotland) Zip file name: MPA_SCOTLAND_multipartWGS84.zip Shapefile name: MPA_SCOTLAND_multipartWGS84.shp Unique ID field: PA_CODE Name field: NAME Publication date: 20/05/2019 Topology check: file passed

  4. Layer to be replaced: ID 118 Layer display name: Sites of Special Scientific Interest (Scotland) Zip file name: SSSI_SCOTLAND_multipartWGS84.zip Shapefile name: SSSI_SCOTLAND_multipartWGS84.shp Unique ID field: PA_CODE Name field: NAME Publication date: 01/07/2019 Topology check: overlaps detected but otherwise OK.

All the above layers have been worked on to create multi part polygons and to convert to WGS84. Where topology checks reveal overlapping polygons I am not able to fix them as I need a additional plugin to do the work - if you could correct them for input that would be useful. Still having problems with QGIS crashing during checks.

CEJohnston commented 4 years ago

Here are the details of the final 3 layers for this upload:

  1. Layer to be replaced: ID 47 Layer display name: Conservation Areas (Scotland) Zip file name: Conservation_AreasWGS84.zip Shapefile name: Conservation_AreasWGS84.shp Unique ID field: DES_TITLE Name field: DES_REF Publication date: 19/02/2019 Topology checks: 38 overlaps; 8 invalid geometries reported; duplicates fixed

  2. Layer to be replaced: ID 33 Layer display name: Landscape Character Assessment (Scotland) Zip file name: LCA_SCOTLAND_WGS84.zip Shapefile name: LCA_SCOTLAND_WGS84.shp Unique ID field: LCT_NO Name field: LCT Publication date: 01/07/2019 Topology checks: 12 overlaps detected; duplicates fixed.

  3. Layer to be replaced: ID 37 Layer display name: Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (Scotland) Zip file name: Scotland_NVZones_2016_WGS84.zip Shapefile name: Scotland_NVZones_2016_WGS84.shp Unique ID field: OBJECTID Name field: NVZName Publication date: 16/11/2016 Topology check: passed

All these layers have been converted to WGS84 and have been uploaded to the folder on Teams.

sophiathirza commented 4 years ago

I think that this mean that only 3 and 7 can be uploaded as is.

CEJohnston commented 4 years ago

Here is the link to the Teams folder containing the seven files: https://teams.microsoft.com/_#/files/Spatial%20layer%20upload?threadId=19%3A3d6afc80fde447a18b26047d950d5ac9%40thread.skype&ctx=channel As discussed could all seven be tested - am hoping the portal can tolerate them as they are just replacements. Thanks.

reupost commented 4 years ago

@CEJohnston @sophiathirza All layers loaded successfully. I've checked and they display on the spatial portals. Please could you (a) confirm that they look ok (b) add metadata as needed Then I'll disable the old layers and ensure that any references to the old layers are replaced with the new layer IDs.

CEJohnston commented 4 years ago

I have now checked the above layers. Replacement layers 1-4 and 6-7 (as numbered in the above list) look and sample OK. Their metadata has been completed. The old versions of these layers can now be disabled.

For replacement layer 5 (above) unfortunately I made an error in the instructions for the fields to be used for the upload of the new layer - I reversed the attributes. Please remove the new layer (ID 172) completely and re-upload the replacement.

The corrected upload details are:

Layer to be replaced: ID 47 Layer display name: Conservation Areas (Scotland) Zip file name: Conservation_AreasWGS84.zip Shapefile name: Conservation_AreasWGS84.shp Unique ID field: DES_REF Name field: DES_TITLE Publication date: 19/02/2019

I’ll add the metadata to the new version after upload. Thanks very much for uploading these replacements even though they failed the topology checks. It does look like the portal can tolerate some imperfect shapefiles.

CEJohnston commented 4 years ago

I have checked the correct version of the Conservation Areas (Scotland) layer (ID 186) which was uploaded in November data processing run and it is OK. Metadata has now been updated.

The old layers that have been replaced are still to be disabled so that they no longer appear in the layer chooser and any references to the old layers are replaced with the new layer IDs.

For reference, the OLD layer IDs are: 120 - Special Areas of Conservation (Scotland) 119 - Special Protection Areas (Scotland) 124 - Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas (Scotland) 33 - Landscape Character Assessment (Scotland) 37- Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (Scotland) 47 - Conservation Areas (Scotland) 118 - Sites of Special Scientific Interest (Scotland) (I think this is already disabled)

For reference, the NEW layer IDs are: 177 - Special Areas of Conservation (Scotland) 176 - Special Protection Areas (Scotland) 175 - Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas (Scotland) 174 - Landscape Character Assessment (Scotland) 171 - Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (Scotland) 186 - Conservation Areas (Scotland) 173 - Sites of Special Scientific Interest (Scotland) *

Note: the layers marked * are used in the NBN Atlas Scotland in the 'Select a region to explore' in the Regions portal.

I have made a new Trello card for this work so that this GitHub issue can be closed when work done.
The card is: https://trello.com/c/GW8mYAT9/263-spatial-layers-outstanding-work-following-the-november-processing-run

CEJohnston commented 4 years ago

This issue can now be closed.