nbourne2 / birdsai

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Research tools #2

Open nbourne2 opened 3 months ago

nbourne2 commented 3 months ago

Use OpenCV library.

nbourne2 commented 3 months ago

Tools to consider:

While I have built models previously using frameworks like pyTorch and Keras, it looks likely that higher-level frameworks more specialised for the task are now available in the form of OpenCV and DeepForest. OpenCV is widely used and well known, also probably has lots of tutorials on the website and on Medium etc, so would probably be a good one to get some experience with. DeepForest is more specialised and less well-known; another problem with using that is that it was used for generating the training data I'm looking at using in the first place.

Now I need to do some more research on what models and architectures are available through OpenCV, and how to use this library for training these models. Start with the OpenCV docs.

nbourne2 commented 3 months ago

Another tool to explore is FiftyOne, an open-source tool for building high-quality datasets and computer vision models. This is useful for visualising and annotating training data, and for visualising and evaluating model predictions.