Closed R4Y-R4Y closed 1 year ago
First, do not use this repo and instead use mine: Second, compile naxsi and deploy it in a vm then run some tools like sqlmap etc... Remember that the key is to configure the WAF according to your needs (i.e. avoid deploying rules that are useful for wordpress if you do not run wordpress, for example) and always ensure to enable the waf in the needed locations (i.e. avoid setting it for example in admin paths etc.. which cannot be accessed by any normal traffic, and instead use ip filtering for those)
what tools would be the best tools to test naxsi?
any pentest tool for webapps. there isn't 'a tool' with which you test naxsi. Naxsi is supposed to help you to block obvious threats, like automated scans, etc..
Could you recommend examples of popular pentest open source tools?
i want to do a simulation that demonstrates the capability of naxsi nginx web app firewall on some attacks how can i do that?