ncabatoff / process-exporter

Prometheus exporter that mines /proc to report on selected processes
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Create histograms from per-thread counters #62

Open ncabatoff opened 6 years ago

ncabatoff commented 6 years ago

With -threads enabled, we already have CPU usage for each thread group. But using threadid as a label is problematic from a cardinality perspective, so we break down it down by thread name. This works great for some apps, like Chromium, that name their threads. Most apps do not, so it's completely unhelpful.

As a result I'm considering dropping the existing per-thread metrics in favour of a new approach. Since I can't usefully name groups of thread or use ids, I'll settle for characterizing the distribution of threads in a process namegroup. The deltas of the counters for each thread (cpu, io bytes, page faults, context switches) each cycle become histogram observations, e.g.

namedprocess_namegroup_threads_cpuseconds_bucket{le="0.5", cpumode="user", groupname="bash"} = 2

says that there were two threads consuming between 0 and 0.5s of user cpu time in the group named 'bash'.

Figuring out good bucket sizes for each of these that will apply to all or even most workloads may be challenging.

domleb commented 5 years ago

@ncabatoff this is an interesting idea. I can't say I have seen a requirement for a thread histogram like this. Maybe there are some use cases but I can't think of any. In my case (outlined in #98), I don't think this would work. Regarding cardinality, I agree this is a concern. In our case we run everything on Kubernetes and our Nginx PIDs have the same lifespan as pods, which we have labels for already because kube-state-metrics adds the pod name. And these pods typically last for 1 or 2 weeks. So it wouldn't be an issue. If you had an app with dynamic thread pools, then this could be an issue, but then I would say that's not a good use case for thread utilisation metrics. (Overall utilisation and thread pool size might be better.)

So for me, there are two use cases here:

  1. Individual thread metrics
    • Should only be enabled with low thread churn
    • Allows monitoring and alerting of resource limited threads
  2. Aggregate thread metrics
    • Could be used with high churn threads
    • I'm not sure what the use case is for doing this
ncabatoff commented 5 years ago

Can you elaborate on your use case please? Specifically, how would you monitor and alert on resource limited threads? Some examples of the alert conditions?

domleb commented 5 years ago

Nginx workers are a single thread and performance degrades severely if the thread is fully utilised. Nginx has a master process and N workers so the intention is to alert if any workers consume 100% cpu for say 10 seconds.

ncabatoff commented 5 years ago

In the context of the histogram proposal, assuming we had cpu buckets of say {0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0}, could you achieve what you want by alerting on

increase(namedprocess_namegroup_threads_cpuseconds_bucket{le="1", cpumode="user", groupname="nginx"})
increase(namedprocess_namegroup_threads_cpuseconds_bucket{le="0.75", cpumode="user", groupname="nginx"})

? In other words, alert if there's at least one thread in the nginx group that's consuming >75% of one core. As I understand it you don't really need to know for the alert which thread is misbehaving, just that one exists.

domleb commented 5 years ago

How would that work with a duration? If the alert had a span or for clause to alert if the CPU was high for X seconds, I don't think it would be possible to know it's the same thread with a histogram. I would like to alert and graph the utilisation per WP to check the balancing is ok.

We use cadvisor for container metrics: It's a simple counter for CPU e.g. container_cpu_usage_seconds_total, the same as your cpu_seconds_total. I think that approach is more intuitive and useful in this case. Histograms scale well for high volume discrete data but they have drawbacks (e.g. you may have to change client code to add buckets if you want to tweak the alert thresholds, that's not ideal) and they don't really fit well with continuous data.

ncabatoff commented 5 years ago

I don't think it would be possible to know it's the same thread with a histogram

Ah, sorry, I didn't catch that aspect of your use case. So what I proposed will yield false positives, though it's an open question whether the volume of false positives would be excessive or not. Even if it's not always the same thread pegged at >75% (or whatever, let's assume the bins can be user configurable), it's possible that a useable alert could still be constructed based on these metrics.

I agree histograms have plenty of limitations and problems, but the only alternative I see is doing something I've always resisted, namely exposing the user to potentially unbounded cardinality. I realize that in your particular situation that won't normally happen, but there are enough footguns available here that I'd prefer not to provide this functionality.

I recently learned about, I wonder whether it could work for what you have in mind?

Finally, are you sure you want to be alerting based on an artificial metric that's a proxy for the real issue, rather than on the actual symptom? If you say performance degrades severely when this happens, why not instrument nginx performance and alert based on that, e.g. via ?

domleb commented 5 years ago

Ok, fair enough. Maybe I'll write an exporter instead. I'll take a look at osquery_exporter too, thanks. Yes, we do have alerts for symptoms, but of course we want to scale before having a problem so that our users don't suffer these symptoms. It's also a case of cost vs risk. I want good enough metrics to scale late, to save cost, but without risking performance too much.