ncaneldiee / rajaongkir

A PHP library which implement the complete functionality of Raja Ongkir API
MIT License
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Using environment variables #3

Closed robertnicjoo closed 6 years ago

robertnicjoo commented 6 years ago

hi, does this package support env codes?

where should I define my accound api key and type ?

ncaneldiee commented 6 years ago

Yes, just put env('RAJAONGKIR_API_KEY') when you initialize class Rajaongkir\Domestic (i assumed you has set env RAJAONGKIR_API_KEY=your-key) and you can define your account type with constant Rajaongkir\Domestic::ACCOUNT_STARTER, Rajaongkir\Domestic::ACCOUNT_BASIC, or Rajaongkir\Domestic::ACCOUNT_PRO (default is starter)

I hope this can help you @robertnicjoo

robertnicjoo commented 6 years ago

thanks for respond @ncaneldiee

RAJAONGKIR_API_KEY=your-key goes to my env file and for my account type should i do like so: (please correct me if i'm wrong)

public function __construct() {
        $rajaongkir = new Rajaongkir\Domestic(YOUR_API_KEY, Rajaongkir\Domestic::ACCOUNT_PRO);

sort of strange! isn't it?

ncaneldiee commented 6 years ago

I got your point @robertnicjoo, you want to simply using RAJAONGKIR_API_KEY and RAJAONGKIR_API_KEY in your .env file, right ? Please see this laravel package config for example, i use this package for laravel project one year ago, and laravel using .env file

robertnicjoo commented 6 years ago

@ncaneldiee yes that's what i'm looking for, but there is no artisan command in documentation to publish config file and there is no config file in vendor either! should i make this config file manually?


ncaneldiee commented 6 years ago

Try artisan vendor:publish, see this. FYI, for laravel you need load other package

robertnicjoo commented 6 years ago

@ncaneldiee ok there was a mistake by me sorry about that, i used this package instead of laravel version which is this currently i try to install that package, while is processing one question?

don't you think it suppose to have ::class after provider and aliases ?

your code:


'Rajaongkir\Domestic' => 'Ncaneldiee\Rajaongkir\Laravel\RajaongkirDomesticFacade',
'Rajaongkir\International' => 'Ncaneldiee\Rajaongkir\Laravel\RajaongkirInternationalFacade',

my idea:


'Rajaongkir\Domestic' => Ncaneldiee\Rajaongkir\Laravel\RajaongkirDomesticFacade::class,
'Rajaongkir\International' => Ncaneldiee\Rajaongkir\Laravel\RajaongkirInternationalFacade::class,

what do you think?

ncaneldiee commented 6 years ago

I think both will work, but your PR is very welcome expecially with auto discovery package feature