Firstly, thanks for your work on feedpushr and readflow! I'm trying out various solutions for getting a RSS-based "read-it-later" list to my ebook reader; currently, I'm leaning towards Wallabag due to, but since Wallabag doesn't support fetching from an RSS feed by itself, I created a simple output plugin for feedpushr that uses its API. (I might also play around with the mobile capabilities of Readflow in the future.)
Firstly, thanks for your work on feedpushr and readflow! I'm trying out various solutions for getting a RSS-based "read-it-later" list to my ebook reader; currently, I'm leaning towards Wallabag due to, but since Wallabag doesn't support fetching from an RSS feed by itself, I created a simple output plugin for feedpushr that uses its API. (I might also play around with the mobile capabilities of Readflow in the future.)