ncase / simulating

An interactive guide to thinking in systems!
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Question: DOM manipulation vs Canvas #3

Open shirish93 opened 8 years ago

shirish93 commented 8 years ago


SO I've been playing around with your simulation a bit, and wanted to do some considerable fun work using it. But I realized whenever I start up the page, my laptop fan starts to sound like a helicopter. Do you know if it's a better idea to implement the simulation board in canvas, vs using DOM? Not a feature request though, just curious. I might look into using stuff like p5js to implement it using canvas if there'd be performance gains. (I don't understand what calculations could be causing so much work anyway)

ncase commented 8 years ago

Thanks for asking! So, as I learnt the hard way, emoji support is already really sketchy cross-browser and cross-OS, and even worse with canvas. Chrome can draw emoji to canvas. Firefox can't. And I don't even want to know what Internet Explorer does.

But! The next time I use emoji, I'll definitely use something like EmojiOne to prevent all these weird cross-whatever implementation issues