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Inconsistency in prediction results of same data in multiple iteration #6

Closed nency2 closed 1 year ago

nency2 commented 1 year ago

I am running only the script with do_predict=true and train=false and eval=false. However, I notice that the prediction probabilities differ for the same data in each iteration. Could you please help me understand the reason behind this issue and suggest a way to resolve it? I would appreciate any help you can provide.

ptlai commented 1 year ago

Hi @nency2 ,

I apologize for the late reply. It appears that you are running development set prediction without training. Therefore, the code uses random initials for the model, and the results of the development set can vary from time to time.


ptlai commented 1 year ago

I've posted my email response below. Just in case anyone needs it

The checkpoint files can be downloaded from the link below.

In addition, I generated the model using the following hyperparameters:

  cuda_visible_devices=$cuda_visible_devices python src/ \
    --task_name=cdr \
    --do_train=true \
    --do_eval=true \
    --do_predict=true \
    --vocab_file=biobert_v1.1_pubmed/vocab.txt \
    --bert_config_file=biobert_v1.1_pubmed/bert_config.json \
    --init_checkpoint=biobert_v1.1_pubmed/model.ckpt-1000000 \
    --max_seq_length=512 \
    --max_num_entity_indices=20 \
    --train_batch_size=10 \
    --surrounding_words_distance=5 \
    --use_balanced_neg=true \
    --max_neg_scale=1 \
    --max_num_neighbors=5 \
    --learning_rate=5e-5 \
    --num_train_epochs=30.0 \
    --do_lower_case=false \
    --use_balanced_neg=true \
    --entity_num=2 \
    --data_dir=datasets/cdr/processed/ \

I used the following script to test my model:

cuda_visible_devices=$cuda_visible_devices python src/ \
  --do_train=false \
  --do_eval=false \
  --do_predict=true \
  --task_name="cdr" \
  --vocab_file=out_cdr_model/vocab.txt \
  --bert_config_file=out_cdr_model/bert_config.json \
  --init_checkpoint=out_cdr_model/model.ckpt-15312 \
  --num_train_epochs=30.0 \
  --seed=5511 \
  --max_seq_length=512 \
  --train_batch_size=8 \
  --learning_rate=5e-5 \
  --use_balanced_neg=false \
  --surrounding_words_distance=5 \
  --do_lower_case=false \
  --entity_num=2 \
  --max_num_neighbors=5 \
  --max_num_entity_indices=20 \
  --data_dir=datasets/cdr/processed/ \

python src/ --task=cdr --output_path=out_cdr_model2/test_results.tsv --answer_path=datasets/cdr/processed/test.tsv

For your reference, here is the script I used in tuning model



for x in {1..4}
  cuda_visible_devices=$cuda_visible_devices python src/ \
    --task_name=cdr \
    --do_train=true \
    --do_eval=true \
    --do_predict=true \
    --vocab_file=biobert_v1.1_pubmed/vocab.txt \
    --bert_config_file=biobert_v1.1_pubmed/bert_config.json \
    --init_checkpoint=biobert_v1.1_pubmed/model.ckpt-1000000 \
    --max_seq_length=512 \
    --max_num_entity_indices=20 \
    --train_batch_size=10 \
    --surrounding_words_distance=5 \
    --use_balanced_neg=true \
    --max_neg_scale=$x \
    --max_num_neighbors=5 \
    --learning_rate=5e-5 \
    --num_train_epochs=30.0 \
    --do_lower_case=false \
    --use_balanced_neg=true \
    --entity_num=$entity_num \
    --data_dir=datasets/cdr/processed/ \
for x in {1..4}
  python src/ --task=cdr --output_path=out_model_cdr_bs$x/dev_results.tsv --answer_path=datasets/cdr/processed/dev.tsv
  python src/ --task=cdr --output_path=out_model_cdr_bs$x/test_results.tsv --answer_path=datasets/cdr/processed/test.tsv