Open fgvieira opened 4 months ago
The problem is, as you observed, the reports have different formats. gx clean-genome
can interpret both reports separately but not simultaneously.
I did some testing here. Similar error messages are present when there is a sequence marked by GX as EXCLUDE
and the same sequence is marked up as contaminated in the FCS-adaptor report with ACTION_EXCLUDE
BUT, I did a dummy example when the merged report has a GX-style row with a TRIM
and further down there is an adaptor-style row with a ACTION_TRIM
. There is no apparent error message printed. But there is no sanity checking on the length column (column 2) and so what ends up happening is there is over-cleaning.
CAJQZP010001473.1 1 10000 76092 TRIM prok:a-proteobacteria 15 Ponticoccus marisrubri
CAJQZP010001473.1 76092 ACTION_TRIM 1..278 CONTAMINATION_SOURCE_TYPE_ADAPTOR:NGB02000.1:Oxford Nanopore Technologies Rapid Adapter (RA) Ligation Adapter top (LA) Native Adaptor top (NA) polyT masked
Applied 2 actions; 10278 bps dropped; 0 bps lowercased; 0 bps hardmasked.
My best suggestion for now is to run these tools sequentially. As an example, you could run FCS-adaptor, gx clean-genome on the output, run FCS-GX on the first cleaned FASTA, then gx clean-genome on that output. Eventually we plan to integrate the tools into a single FCS pipeline which will produce a consolidated, non-overlapping report.
I need to decontaminated several thousand genomes (~18k euk + 500k bact), and the sequential approach you suggest would require an extra write to disk.
Are there any differences between EXCLUDE/ACTION_EXCLUDE
? If not, can I convert all ACTION_EXCLUDE
into just EXCLUDE
I tried merging both, but it is a bit hacky. First, convert fcs_adaptor
output into fcs_gx
grep -v "#" | awk -F"\t" '$4==""{$4="1.."$2} {OFS="\t"; print}' | awk -F"\t" '{split($4,coord,"."); split($5,desc,":"); print $1"\t"coord[1]"\t"coord[3]"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"desc[1]":"desc[2]"\t\t"desc[3]}' > fcs_adaptor.report_fix.txt
then merge overlaps (giving preference to EXCLUDE > ACTION_EXCLUDE > TRIM > ACTION_TRIM > FIX > ACTION_FIX > [REST]
grep -hv '#' fcs_adaptor.report_fix.txt | awk -F"\t" '{{OFS="\t"; $9=0}} $5~/EXCLUDE/{{$9=10}} $5~/TRIM/{{$9=5}} $5~/FIX/{{$9=3}} $5~/ACTION_/{{$9=$9-1}} !/#/{{print}}' | bedtools sort | bedtools merge -c 4,5,6,7,8,9 -o collapse | perl -MList::Util=max -MList::MoreUtils=firstidx -F"\t" -an -e '@r=split(",",$F[8]); if($#r>0){$fi=firstidx {max(@r)} @r}; foreach $i (3,4,5,6,7){@a=split(",",$F[$i]); $F[$i]=$a[$fi]}; pop(@F); print(join("\t",@F)."\n")' | gx clean-genome --input {input.fas} --action-report /dev/stdin > output.fas
Would something like this make sense?
The commands you posted appear to work, at least for the simpler example I used.
However, there are some discrepancies in the action column that will need to be accounted for depending on your desired results:
. Straightforward and should be priority for merging overlaps.
= adaptor ACTION_TRIM
when the contamination is at one of the two terminal ends of a sequence
: gx clean-genome
will hardmask these internal contamination regions
: gx clean-genome
will split contigs at these internal contamination regions
There is no such thing as adaptor ACTION_FIX
is synonymous to ACTION_TRIM
So if you want to hardmask at identified internal contaminants, in the FCS-adaptor conversion command you would want to change ACTION_TRIM > FIX
at internal contamination positions, then do the merging.
If you want to split at internal contaminants, convert FIX > SPLIT
in the GX report, then do the merging.
gx clean-genome will throw an error if you have a TRIM at internal positions, but with the prioritization strategy you use above, I think the rare case of TRIM overlap with FIX would correctly assign it as TRIM be able to handle this.
Ok, so if I want to keep the default behaviour (adaptor split on internal contaminants, and gx mask), I can convert the fcs_adaptor_report file as:
grep -v "#" fcs_adaptor_report.txt | awk -F"\t" '$4==""{$4="1.."$2} {OFS="\t"; sub("ACTION_","",$3); print}' | awk -F"\t" '{split($4,coord,"."); split($5,desc,":")} $3=="TRIM" && coord[1]>1 && coord[3]<$2 {$3="SPLIT"} {print $1"\t"coord[1]"\t"coord[3]"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"desc[1]":"desc[2]"\t\t"desc[3]}' > fcs_adaptor_report.fix.txt
and then merge (now a bit simpler) with fcs_gx_report (giving preference to EXCLUDE > TRIM > SPLIT > FIX > [REST]
grep -hv '#' GCA_907164705.1.fcs_gx_report.txt fcs_adaptor_report.fix.txt | awk -F"\t" '{{OFS="\t"; $9=1}} $5~/EXCLUDE/{{$9=5}} $5~/TRIM/{{$9=4}} $5~/SPLIT/{{$9=3}} $5~/FIX/{{$9=2}} !/#/{{print}}' | bedtools sort | bedtools merge -c 4,5,6,7,8,9 -o collapse | perl -MList::Util=max -MList::MoreUtils=firstidx -F"\t" -an -e '@r=split(",",$F[8]); if($#r>0){$fi=firstidx {max(@r)} @r}; foreach $i (3,4,5,6,7){@a=split(",",$F[$i]); $F[$i]=$a[$fi]}; pop(@F); print(join("\t",@F)."\n")' | gx clean-genome --input {input.fas} --action-report /dev/stdin > output.fas
Would this reproduce the original fcs
Would this reproduce the original fcs behaviour? Yes, in the sense that it is using the default corrective actions. But the reality is a bit more complicated.
For NCBI submissions, we wouldn't take corrective actions on internal contaminants. We provide the report to the submitter, and it would be up to them to analyze the results, look at secondary data sources (e.g. reads spanning the questionable regions, HiC contact maps, etc.) , determine whether a sequence should be masked or split at that region, then resubmit the corrected genome.
So if you are running many genomes, the best course of action would be to manually evaluate GX FIX
/ adaptor internal ACTION_TRIM
and then decide how to handle with gx clean-genome
. These cases should be relatively rare. If internal calls are sporadic, its probably OK to just mask so long as you have external evidence for connectivity in the surrounding regions. Individual genomes with many internal contaminants should be evaluated more closely for assembly issues.
I need to run both
on a lot of genomes. To speed-up things, I was thinking if I could run them both in parallel (on the original genome fasta):merge the reports:
and run
gx clean-genome
on the merged report:I tried and it works fine if there are no overlaps but, if there are overlapping intervals it gives an error:
Since reports have different formats. How can I merge them?