ncbi / pgap

NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline
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[BUG] <title>How to run with qsub file. #284

Closed wurunbiao162 closed 5 months ago

wurunbiao162 commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug Error running pgap in clustered server.

**Running script $ qsub The following commands are included in the file.


#PBS -N lucky
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=10
#PBS -q blade
#PBS -l walltime=1000:00:00
#PBS -d /public1/home/20240101_Bacteria_Genome 
#PBS -j oe

python3 ~/soft/  -r -o mg37_results -g ~/.pgap/test_genomes-2023-10- 

03.build7061/MG37/ASM2732v1.annotation.nucleotide.1.fasta -s 'Mycoplasmoides genitaliu' --no-self-update --no-internet .

Log Files [2024-01-19 19:14:40][INFO][157337.admin] ######################## Job 157337.admin start to execute! ########################## [2024-01-19 19:14:40][INFO][157337.admin] Goldenable & storageenable both are false, job ran without making reserve! Fri Jan 19 19:13:29 CST 2024 --no-internet flag enabled, not checking remote versions. Docker not found.

Software versions (please complete the following information):

Additional context Would you like to provide the detail commands to run pgap pipeline.

azat-badretdin commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your report, user @wurunbiao162 !

It says: Docker not found. Do you have docker hooked up on your cluster machines?

wurunbiao162 commented 6 months ago

I have installed docker and pulling pgap.

(base) [jian@login ~]$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE 2023-10-03.build7061 cbaed0b6edfb 3 months ago 11.9 GB

azat-badretdin commented 6 months ago
wurunbiao162 commented 6 months ago

Thank you azat, I also run the ./ --update,get the files /public1/home/jian/.pgap/input-2023-10-03.build7061, test_genomes-2023-10-03.build7061.

azat-badretdin commented 6 months ago

Thanks. Note that the propagation of this installation to the computational server and accessibility of data and docker image from that server is in the hands of the user, NCBI does not support such thing. That's why I ask which server did you use to check your docker status.