ncbi / sra-tools

SRA Tools
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fasterq-dump quit with error code 3 #748

Closed que123456 closed 1 year ago

que123456 commented 1 year ago

when I use prefetch, I get the following;

prefetch.3.0.1 SRR2243900

2022-12-08T13:49:10 prefetch.3.0.1: Current preference is set to retrieve SRA Normalized Format files with full base quality scores. 2022-12-08T13:49:11 prefetch.3.0.1: 1) Downloading 'SRR2243900'... 2022-12-08T13:49:11 prefetch.3.0.1: SRA Normalized Format file is being retrieved, if this is different from your preference, it may be due to current file availability. 2022-12-08T13:49:11 prefetch.3.0.1: Downloading via HTTPS... 2022-12-08T13:51:42 prefetch.3.0.1: HTTPS download succeed 2022-12-08T13:52:20 prefetch.3.0.1: 'SRR2243900' is valid 2022-12-08T13:52:20 prefetch.3.0.1: 1) 'SRR2243900' was downloaded successfully 2022-12-08T13:52:56 prefetch.3.0.1: 'SRR2243900' has 10 unresolved dependencies 2022-12-08T13:52:56 prefetch.3.0.1 int: connection unexpected while executing query within virtual file system module - cannot get remote location for 'AE013599.4'

It did download the sra file, but gives a problem at the end.

Then with fasterq-dump;

fasterq-dump.3.0.1 SRR2243900 --split-files

2022-12-08T13:53:32 fasterq-dump.3.0.1 warn: connection unexpected while executing query within virtual file system module - can't open AE014134.5 as a RefSeq or as a WGS 2022-12-08T13:53:32 fasterq-dump.3.0.1 warn: connection unexpected while executing query within virtual file system module - can't open AE014298.4 as a RefSeq or as a WGS 2022-12-08T13:53:32 fasterq-dump.3.0.1 err: cmn_iter.c cmn_read_String( #11402488 ).VCursorCellDataDirect() -> RC(rcVFS,rcQuery,rcExecuting,rcConnection,rcUnexpected) 2022-12-08T13:53:32 fasterq-dump.3.0.1 err: sorter.c get_from_raw_read_iter( 5161017 ) -> RC(rcVFS,rcQuery,rcExecuting,rcConnection,rcUnexpected) 2022-12-08T13:53:32 fasterq-dump.3.0.1 warn: connection unexpected while executing query within virtual file system module - can't open AE014296.4 as a RefSeq or as a WGS 2022-12-08T13:53:32 fasterq-dump.3.0.1 err: cmn_iter.c cmn_read_String( #22804975 ).VCursorCellDataDirect() -> RC(rcVFS,rcQuery,rcExecuting,rcConnection,rcUnexpected) 2022-12-08T13:53:33 fasterq-dump.3.0.1 warn: connection unexpected while executing query within virtual file system module - can't open AE013599.4 as a RefSeq or as a WGS 2022-12-08T13:53:33 fasterq-dump.3.0.1 err: cmn_iter.c cmn_read_String( #34207462 ).VCursorCellDataDirect() -> RC(rcVFS,rcQuery,rcExecuting,rcConnection,rcUnexpected) 2022-12-08T13:53:34 fasterq-dump.3.0.1 warn: connection unexpected while executing query within virtual file system module - can't open AE014297.2 as a RefSeq or as a WGS 2022-12-08T13:53:34 fasterq-dump.3.0.1 err: cmn_iter.c cmn_read_String( #45609949 ).VCursorCellDataDirect() -> RC(rcVFS,rcQuery,rcExecuting,rcConnection,rcUnexpected) 2022-12-08T13:53:34 fasterq-dump.3.0.1 err: sorter.c run_producer_pool().join_and_release_threads -> RC(rcExe,rcProcess,rcExecuting,rcProcess,rcCanceled) 2022-12-08T13:53:34 fasterq-dump.3.0.1 err: sorter.c execute_lookup_production() -> RC(rcExe,rcProcess,rcExecuting,rcProcess,rcCanceled) 2022-12-08T13:53:34 fasterq-dump.3.0.1 err: fasterq-dump.c produce_lookup_files() -> RC(rcExe,rcProcess,rcExecuting,rcProcess,rcCanceled) fasterq-dump quit with error code 3

and it doesn't work. so something is wrong with the RefSeqs, already when downloading with prefetch. Then it says that the connection is unexpected and it ends with error code 3.

What is wrong?

klymenko commented 1 year ago

What is the output of srapath AE014134.5 ?

que123456 commented 1 year ago

2022-12-08T16:14:23 srapath.2.8.0 sys: connection failed while opening file within cryptographic module - mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -9984 ( X509 - Certificate verification failed, e.g. CRL, CA or signature check failed ) 2022-12-08T16:14:23 srapath.2.8.0 sys: mbedtls_ssl_get_verify_result returned 0x8 ( !! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA )

klymenko commented 1 year ago

What is the output of the following? curl -v ',ZQA:ZR'

que123456 commented 1 year ago

that gives the following;

klymenko commented 1 year ago

What is the output of: curl -vI

que123456 commented 1 year ago


klymenko commented 1 year ago

Please try the same command prefetch SRR2243900 from the same current directory.

que123456 commented 1 year ago

I did, but it gives the same error as the first time

klymenko commented 1 year ago

What is the output of ls -l SRR2243900 from the same directory?

que123456 commented 1 year ago

ls: cannot access 'SRR2243900': No such file or directory

klymenko commented 1 year ago

What is the output of srapath SRR2243900 from the same current directory?

que123456 commented 1 year ago


klymenko commented 1 year ago

What is the output of align-info SRR2243900 ?

que123456 commented 1 year ago

2022-12-08T20:02:09 align-info.2.8.0 sys: connection failed while opening file within cryptographic module - mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -9984 ( X509 - Certificate verification failed, e.g. CRL, CA or signature check failed ) 2022-12-08T20:02:09 align-info.2.8.0 sys: mbedtls_ssl_get_verify_result returned 0x8 ( !! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA ) 2022-12-08T20:02:09 align-info.2.8.0 int: connection failed while opening file within cryptographic module - while calling VDatabaseListDependencies: SRR2243900

klymenko commented 1 year ago

What is the output of the following? cd /home/.../ncbi/public/refseq/ && ls -l AE013599.4 AE014134.5 AE014135.3 AE014296.4 AE014297.2 AE014298.4 CM000457.1 CM000458.1 CM000459.1 FA000001.1

klymenko commented 1 year ago

And ls -l /home/.../ncbi/public/sra/SRR2243900.sra ?

que123456 commented 1 year ago

first one gives this: -bash: cd: /home/.../ncbi/public/refseq/: No such file or directory but I could also see there is no refseq file/directory

klymenko commented 1 year ago

Hold on, remove toolkit version 2.8.0 from your PATH.

que123456 commented 1 year ago

second one gives; -rw-r--r-- 1 myname domain users 3610242629 Dec 8 20:28 /home/.../ncbi/public/sra/SRR2243900.sra

klymenko commented 1 year ago

Did prefetch and fasterq-dump work successfully for you? When did they succeed the last time?

que123456 commented 1 year ago

no they never worked successfully

klymenko commented 1 year ago

Is this the first time at all when you use sra toolkit?

que123456 commented 1 year ago


klymenko commented 1 year ago

Did you remove toolkit version 2.8.0 from your PATH?

que123456 commented 1 year ago

i think so

klymenko commented 1 year ago

What is the output of:

align-info -V
fasterq-dump -V
prefetch -V
srapath -V
que123456 commented 1 year ago

they all give version 3.0.1

klymenko commented 1 year ago

What is the output of vdb-config -on repository/user ?

que123456 commented 1 year ago

repository/user/ad/public/apps/file/volumes/flatAd = "." repository/user/ad/public/apps/refseq/volumes/refseqAd = "." repository/user/ad/public/apps/sra/volumes/sraAd = "." repository/user/ad/public/apps/sraPileup/volumes/ad = "." repository/user/ad/public/apps/sraRealign/volumes/ad = "." repository/user/ad/public/apps/wgs/volumes/wgsAd = "." repository/user/ad/public/root = "." repository/user/default-path = "/home/myname/ncbi" repository/user/main/public/apps/file/volumes/flat = "files" repository/user/main/public/apps/nakmer/volumes/nakmerFlat = "nannot" repository/user/main/public/apps/nannot/volumes/nannotFlat = "nannot" repository/user/main/public/apps/refseq/volumes/refseq = "refseq" repository/user/main/public/apps/sra/volumes/sraFlat = "sra" repository/user/main/public/apps/wgs/volumes/wgsFlat = "wgs" repository/user/main/public/root = "/home/myname/ncbi/public"

klymenko commented 1 year ago

What is the output of vdb-config -on tools/prefetch/download_to_cache ?

que123456 commented 1 year ago

download_to_cache = "true"

que123456 commented 1 year ago

align-info SRR2243900 gives;

AE013599.4,2R,false,remote AE014134.5,2L,false,remote AE014135.3,4,false,remote AE014296.4,3L,false,remote AE014297.2,3R,false,remote AE014298.4,X,false,remote CM000456.1,2LHet,false,local CM000457.1,2RHet,false,remote CM000458.1,3LHet,false,remote CM000459.1,3RHet,false,remote CM000460.1,XHet,false,local CM000461.1,YHet,false,local FA000001.1,U,false,remote NC_001709.1,dmel_mitochondrion_genome,false,local Uextra,Uextra,false,local

klymenko commented 1 year ago

Try prefetch again. Does it fail?

que123456 commented 1 year ago

It is running extremely slow, but I'll let you know when it finishes

klymenko commented 1 year ago

You can run prefetch with -p to see progress.

que123456 commented 1 year ago

it still gives the same

2022-12-08T22:13:31 prefetch.3.0.1: 1) Downloading 'SRR2243900'... 2022-12-08T22:13:31 prefetch.3.0.1: SRA Normalized Format file is being retrieved, if this is different from your preference, it may be due to current file availability. 2022-12-08T22:13:31 prefetch.3.0.1: Downloading via HTTPS... |-------------------------------------------------- 100% 2022-12-08T22:19:13 prefetch.3.0.1: HTTPS download succeed 2022-12-08T22:19:44 prefetch.3.0.1: 'SRR2243900' is valid 2022-12-08T22:19:44 prefetch.3.0.1: 1) 'SRR2243900' was downloaded successfully 2022-12-08T22:20:21 prefetch.3.0.1: 'SRR2243900' has 10 unresolved dependencies 2022-12-08T22:20:21 prefetch.3.0.1 int: connection unexpected while executing query within virtual file system module - cannot get remote location for 'AE013599.4'

que123456 commented 1 year ago

also the fasterq-dump command still gives the same output

klymenko commented 1 year ago

What is the output of srapath SRR2243900 from the same current directory? And srapath AE013599.4 ?

que123456 commented 1 year ago

srapath SRR2243900; /home/myname/ncbi/public/sra/SRR2243900.sra

srapath AE013599.4;

biociao commented 1 year ago

Came across the same issue and finally figure out that PATH setting could be the reason.

I don't know why but using $HOME instead of ~ solved my case.

To reproduce this error:

$export PATH="~/pkg/sratoolkit.3.0.2-centos_linux64/bin":$PATH
# make sure this is the only path to find sratoolkit

$fasterq-dump SRR390728
2022-12-18T09:45:50 fasterq-dump.3.0.2 err: fasterq-dump.c populate_tool_ctx().VDBManagerMakeRead() -> RC(rcFS,rcDylib,rcSearching,rcPath,rcNotFound)
fasterq-dump quit with error code **3**

$fastq-dump --stdout -X 2 SRR390728
2022-12-18T09:46:03 fastq-dump.3.0.2 err: path not found while searching dynamic library within file system module - failed to open SRA manager

An error occurred during processing.
A report was generated into the file '/home/myname/ncbi_error_report.txt'.
If the problem persists, you may consider sending the file
to '' for assistance.

fastq-dump quit with error code 3

To solve it:

$export PATH="$HOME/pkg/sratoolkit.3.0.2-centos_linux64/bin":$PATH

$fastq-dump --stdout -X 2 SRR390728
Read 2 spots for SRR390728
Written 2 spots for SRR390728
@SRR390728.1 1 length=72
+SRR390728.1 1 length=72
@SRR390728.2 2 length=72
+SRR390728.2 2 length=72

Use absolute path also works.

klymenko commented 1 year ago

@que123456, do you still need help?