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Ecoregion assignment for each block #36

Open nmtarr opened 2 years ago

nmtarr commented 2 years ago

One of our research questions "What are start and end dates for breeding" is asked at the ecoregion level. Therefore, we need a link between blocks and ecoregions, or at the least, an official ecoregion map for use. Adding a table or column for ecoregion in a table of blocks should suffice for all or part of that linking.

Does the commission use a standard ecoregion map?

It may be best to include transition/border zones into the assignment (i.e., coastal plain, coastal-piedmont, piedmont, piedmont-mountain, and mountain categories). Maximize chances of identifying regional differences. I also wonder if coastal plain would be best split into north and south.

nmtarr commented 2 years ago

Curtis Belyea put this together for us, but we now need it to be imported into the atlas cache and we also need a function written that retrieves it in data frame form. Alternately, a new column could be added to the current blocks document in the atlas cache.