Nocturnal hours not calculating correctly due to different timezone calculations locally and on server. Solved by modifying the EBD import process to calculate nocturnal status and add fields to each checklist document:
EBD_NOCTURNAL: "1" or "0" depending if it satisfies the ebird rules for nocturnal (i.e., starts during "nocturnal" time)
NCBA_NOCTURNAL: "1" or "0" depending on if any part of the checklist time is in the "nocturnal time (i.e., could start or end within nocturnal time)
NCBA_NOCTURNAL_DURATION: XX in minutes - the amount of time of checklist during "nocturnal" time
NCBA_OBSDT_UTC: DateTime object - the datetime of the checklist in UTC time - it is stored as a date (as opposed to other fields that are text.
NCBA_NOCTURNAL_PARTIAL: "1" or "0" depending on if the checklist spans sunrise or sunset.
block_hrs function now uses the EBD_NOCTURNAL field to determine if the checklist is nocturnal.
Nocturnal hours not calculating correctly due to different timezone calculations locally and on server. Solved by modifying the EBD import process to calculate nocturnal status and add fields to each checklist document:
block_hrs function now uses the EBD_NOCTURNAL field to determine if the checklist is nocturnal.