ncbo / ontologies_linked_data

Models and serializers for ontologies and related artifacts backed by 4store
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Multilingual ont: prefLabel is generated from URI fragment and displayed under 'none:' for terms that do not have English lang tags #209

Open alexskr opened 1 month ago

alexskr commented 1 month ago

Multilingual ontology support:

prefLabel gets generated from URI fragment and displayed under 'none:' for terms that do not have English lang tags

<!-- -->
     <owl:Class rdf:about="&ontoDPN;AttributObjetPhysique">
         <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&ontoDPN;Attribute"/>
         <DOE:swp rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">internalised point of view on abstract objects</DOE:swp>
         <skos:definition xml:lang="fr">Attributs s&apos;appliquant à des objets physique</skos:definition>
        <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="fr">attribit physique</skos:prefLabel>

Is this the expected behavior? If the term is in French or in German, do we really need non-french generated perfLabel?

syphax-bouazzouni commented 1 month ago

The question here, is in the UI, what do you want to display as prefLabel if there is no English values:

  1. Arabic, Chineese, French or anything that is provided. (you will be in this situation
  2. Or instead using its id (URI fragment) as its prefLabel.

the none here means, that the generated value has no language tag.

jonquet commented 1 month ago

And the "none" is the official syntax that JSON specifies for this.

syphax-bouazzouni commented 1 month ago

And the "none" is the official syntax that JSON specifies for this.

image Source: the JSON-LD 1.1 reference

jonquet commented 1 month ago

This is also related to the "default" language discussion in the other tracker :

alexskr commented 1 month ago

In many cases, the perfLabel generated from the URI fragment has no inherent meaning; frequently, they are alpha-numeric term ids, which may not add any value and could potentially cause confusion.