ncbo / owlapi_wrapper

A command line utility that wraps the Java OWL-API to parse RDFS, OWL and OBO ontologies.
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Add IRI mapper for SKOS Core Vocabulary to prevent missing import errors #22

Closed jvendetti closed 8 months ago

jvendetti commented 8 months ago

As of recently, the W3C started rate limiting requests to

We recently adjusted our abuse prevention systems to address an excessive volume of requests from automated systems, adding up to tens of millions of requests per day.

As a side effect of this, attempting to load ontologies in BioPortal that import SKOS Core, e.g.:

<owl:imports rdf:resource=""/>

.... result in missing import errors in the logs:


... and intermittently failing metrics-related unit tests in the ontologies_linked_data project. See this issue:

Since this is an oft-imported vocabulary, I propose an initial solution of using an IRI mapper that maps to a copy of the file that we host somewhere.

jvendetti commented 8 months ago

@alexskr - any opinion on where our copy of skos.rdf should live?

alexskr commented 8 months ago

do you know if there a way to specify local file system path instead of a web address? If thats possible then embedding it with owlapi_wrapper would be my first choice. Or maybe we can host skos core in BioPortal?

Alternatively we can create a purl for it and host file on ontoportal or site.

jvendetti commented 8 months ago

The example code provided by the OWL API shows that you can use a local file system path. I tested it and it seems to work - at least in a simple unit test scenario:

public void testSimpleIRIMapper() throws Exception {
  IRI skosCoreIRI = IRI.create("");
  IRI skosCoreDocumentIRI = IRI.create("file:/Users/vendetti/Downloads/skos.rdf");
  SimpleIRIMapper mapper = new SimpleIRIMapper(skosCoreIRI, skosCoreDocumentIRI);

  OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();

  File broFile = new File("src/test/resources/BRO_v3.2.owl");
  FileDocumentSource fileDocumentSource = new FileDocumentSource(broFile);
  OWLOntology ontology = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(fileDocumentSource);

So I take it that means you'd prefer to have it embedded?

alexskr commented 8 months ago

embedding file should reduce overall complexity and improve resiliency against external resource connectivity issues.