nccgroup / scrying

A tool for collecting RDP, web and VNC screenshots all in one place
439 stars 54 forks source link

Nessus web targets are not parsed into URLs #24

Open sciguy16 opened 3 years ago

sciguy16 commented 3 years ago

The web capture code expects to be given a Target::Url, but this currently parses into a Target::Address

sciguy16 commented 3 years ago

Hacky bodge fix for now:

diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index 02714dc..3e59fc4 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ failure = "0.1"
 askama = "0.9"
 socks = "0.3"
 vnc = "0.4"
-nessus_xml_parser = "0.1"
+nessus_xml_parser = { "git" = "", "branch" = "main" }
 ctrlc = "3.1"

diff --git a/src/parsing/ b/src/parsing/
index ce8f00e..d7117d5 100644
--- a/src/parsing/
+++ b/src/parsing/
@@ -801,7 +801,23 @@ fn lists_from_nessus(
                 if mode.selected(Mode::Web) =>
                 debug!("Identified Web");
-                list.web_targets.push(Target::Address(target));
+ let target_string = match target {
+                        SocketAddr::V6(target) => {
+                            trace!("address: {:?}", target);
+                            format!("[{}]:{}", target,
+                        }
+                        SocketAddr::V4(target) => {
+                            trace!("legacy address: {:?}", target);
+                            format!("{}", target)
+                        }
+                        /*Address::MacAddr(a) => {
+                            trace!("Ignoring MAC address {}", a);
+                            // Ignore the MAC address and move on
+                        }*/
+                    };
+               list.web_targets.push(Target::Url(Url::parse(&format!("http://{}", target_string)).unwrap()));
+               list.web_targets.push(Target::Url(Url::parse(&format!("https://{}", target_string)).unwrap()));
+                //list.web_targets.push(Target::Address(target));
             (5900, _) | (5901, _) | (5902, _) | (5903, _) | (_, "vnc")
                 if mode.selected(Mode::Vnc) =>