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Order one (1) set ORE pop-system float-balls #42

Closed neaptide closed 7 years ago

neaptide commented 7 years ago

There were four of these pop-up systems. One is still at the bottom in Raleigh Bay (former B2 site). One was broken and lost. There are 2 pop-buoy canisters in the lab in Chapel Hill. One has been used recently and seems okay for deployment on one of the tripod bottom frames. The last one (and only one available for the second bottom frame) has a jury-riggled D-ring where the clevis link should go. Not sure this will work very well.

We have two working canisters and only one good buoy-float. Path of least resistance ---get just the buoy-float ball(s) with the retaining post that can accommodate the clevis link.


Good News --- We can get the Yellow float ball -- in stock. P/N 0005183. will have to order the retaining rod that holds the clevis-link -- not in stock will have to order a green float -- not in stock.

Rob Morris at EdgeTech.
Product Line Sales Engineer 4 Little Brook Road West Wareham, MA 02576

ORE Research is now owned by EdgeTech. The pop-up buoy system is no longer made and none in-stock. According to Rob, "We don’t offer the CART Pop-up assemblies any more. Have you considered changing over to the PORT series releases? The PORT LF-SD release are used in our Pop-up systems. They can be controlled with the same deck boxes you use for the CART releases. " Attached are some PDFs describing this product.

Pop-UP Port 102014 low res.pdf PORT LF-SD 052815 High Res.pdf

neaptide commented 7 years ago

Good News --- We can get the Yellow float ball -- in stock. P/N 0005183. will have to order the retaining rod that holds the clevis-link -- not in stock will have to order a green float -- not in stock.

neaptide commented 7 years ago

Order submitted for the two float balls for the pop-up and batteries and o-ring kits for the ORE releases. However, we will have to get the machine shop to fabricate the rod that goes through the top float. Rob Morris came back with cost for this rod from his build-source. It was $725!! He was shocked too.

neaptide commented 7 years ago

received buoy balls and batteries. will have to fabricate retaining rod so staring another ticket (#63) for that.