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B1 -- wind2 out of alignment #69

Closed neaptide closed 6 years ago

neaptide commented 7 years ago

On April 29, according to data graph, the bottom anemometer (wind2) became misaligned (by ~ 90 deg) relative to top (wind1) anemometer.


neaptide commented 7 years ago

Working with NDBC and processing NDBC nearest neighbor data, the processing code from level0 to level1 now can apply offsets in each config file. If there is a change, like the above offset, starting a new config file with appropriate start_config and end_config and offset_vars and offset_vals will handle various changes like anemometer offsets. Here is the reprocessed corrected data ...


But we should keep an eye on this and if more offsets occur from current settings, we should check mechanic issues on maintenance visit.

neaptide commented 7 years ago

wdir2 shifted again on 23-Jun-2017 at 23:18:00, first by about 55 deg then has been closer to 43 deg (less than wdir1, so counter-clockwise).


So will apply +42 deg offset to wdir2 starting at 23-Jun-2017 23:24:00. That takes care of change since Saturday night, but it seems to have been changing in minor amounts over the past 7 days or so. Either the anemometer is loose or the whole assembly (Al pipe + delrin rod) is loose.


neaptide commented 6 years ago

replacing this issue with new issue #73 and closing