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🐛 False Variant Validation Errors on Bulk Publish #1006

Closed mistryrn closed 2 years ago

mistryrn commented 2 years ago

Variant validation is incorrectly failing on Bulk Publish for certain models. This is likely related to:

TL;DR: the yup validation package upgrade enforced stricter validation of objects vs strings, causing our preexisting variant validation schema to fail. It was fixed in the most recent release to Dev/Staging, but the change wasn't applied to Bulk Publish, only individual Publish.

The same fix for individual Publish will need to be applied to Bulk Publish

Details from Eva's email:

As I was doing some testing, I noticed an error message that I haven’t seen before (screenshot below) when I attempted to bulk publish GDC variant data. I’m not sure if it’s related to release 1.16.0, but in case it is, I’d like to bring it to your attention before we move to production. Weirdly, when I went to “HCM-CSHL-0063-C18” and attempted publishing it individually, the publish worked, and didn’t give the error as it did in the bulk publish.


mistryrn commented 2 years ago

Deployed to Prod on August 2nd as part of Release 1.16.1