[x] 3. "changes not yet published" tag (darker orange and uppercase text so that it appears larger. This is a global change for all status tags - see: https://zpl.io/bJm5Z0r)
[x] 4. CMS Tabs- active state (the horizontal variant tabs have not been built yet)
[x] 5. Table sort bar and pagenation active state - same as catalog styles (global)
Operation remove teal and add yellow/orange secondary colours:
Please change the following:
Catalog: zeplin: https://zpl.io/29QRoYW
Model page: zeplin: https://zpl.io/a3n0vW1
CMS: zeplin: https://zpl.io/VxznYrm
CMS: Editable dictionary changes: zeplin: https://zpl.io/2vpRy7Q