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HTAN 1.0 Data Model: sunset planning #389

Open aclayton555 opened 2 months ago

aclayton555 commented 2 months ago

Initiate as part of 24-5 sprint.

This ticket (likely one of several to emerge from this ticket) to facilitate scoping and planning of actions related to sunsetting the HTAN data model through the end of HTAN 1.0 (current end date August 31, 2024). Consider a phased approach:

  1. LOCK - Initial thought is to implement a "lock" of the data model as of June 1, 2024. This will be the deadline for incorporating any new components into the data model. After this, support for the data model will transition to a maintenance mode to ensure continued alignment with FAIR Data tooling and implement any fixes to unblock submission for the final HTAN Data Release 6.0.
  2. RETROSPECTIVE - Proposed for July 2024. Should be focus of activities for this sprint, in parallel with any essential data model support related to HTAN Data Release 6.0. Suggest focused discussion among HTAN DCC staff and key contributors (e.g during liaison meetings). Additional participation from FAIR Data staff. Expected outcomes are to help consolidate key learnings and considerations of the development and implementation of the data model in HTAN 1.0, which will help inform efforts and approach in HTAN 2.0
  3. ARCHIVE - Proposed for August 2024. Understand and planning of steps to 'archive' the HTAN 1.0 Data Model. This will include understand if/what data are potentially still expected to be submitted under this model beyond August 31, 2024, and how this will be supported.
  4. RENEWAL PLANNING - Proposed for August-September 2024. Scoping of efforts related to the HTAN 2.0 Data Model in the first 6 months of the renewal. Will include review of retrospective analysis above to understand priorities and dependencies to, as well as determination and set up of related infrastructure to support the data model (e.g. new github repo? updated versioning? etc)
aclayton555 commented 1 month ago

Re: 1. LOCK - Additional components expected and triaged for 24-5 sprint:

aclayton555 commented 1 month ago


2 key retrospectives: Data model

Schematic/DCA - chat with Amy H

aclayton555 commented 1 week ago

HTAN DCC Data Model Retrospective scheduled for July 10. I will be working with Tiara to coordinate planning and outcomes through our 24-7 sprint.