ncjoes / office-converter

PHP Wrapper for LibreOffice
MIT License
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Conversion from docx to pdf not working on v.1.0.0 #12

Closed kairiex2 closed 4 years ago

kairiex2 commented 4 years ago

Hi.. i'm using office-converter v.1.0.0 installed from composer. I installed Libre Office x64 on win 10. Installed ncjoes/office-converter via composer. Add this code to my php page (for testing) : <?php use NcJoes\OfficeConverter\OfficeConverter; $converter = new OfficeConverter('test-file.docx'); $converter->convertTo('output-file.pdf'); ?> and nothing happend. Code seems to stop on "$converter->convertTo('output-file.pdf'); " because all my codes after that not working (not shown on my web page). I tried convert from cmd and it works. Can U please help. Thanks.

dudz94 commented 4 years ago


Can you write all of your code ?

If you want an example, in the v1.0.0:

// Load the autoload
require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/vendor/autoload.php';
// Use it
use NcJoes\OfficeConverter\OfficeConverter;

// $entirePath is the absolute path of my file I want to convert
$converter = new OfficeConverter($entirePath);
// The file result.pdf will be add to the absolute path you specified just above

Hope this will help you !

kairiex2 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your help. This is my code on index.php file.

<?php include_once('../_header.php'); ?>
<div class="container-fluid">
        use NcJoes\OfficeConverter\OfficeConverter;
        $converter = new OfficeConverter('lst_st.docx');
        $converter -> convertTo('file.pdf');
            <p><iframe src="file.pdf" width="100%" height="700" >test view </iframe></p>
<?php include_once('../_footer.php'); ?>

I put require "_assets/libs/vendor/autoload.php"; on _header.php. btw I use several module with composer. I didn't configure Libre Office after instal. File "lst_st.docx" is on same folder as that code page (i put on "dashboard" folder just for testing). If I comment this code $converter -> convertTo('file.pdf'); the php page is working fine, else the heading and after that is not showing. Is there something I need to configure? Also I have tried the absolute path for my file $converter = new OfficeConverter('http://localhost/dashboard/lst_st.docx'); Also I'm using IIS for testing, not Apache. But the other composer module is working fine though.

dudz94 commented 4 years ago

I try your code in my server and it's working fine.

Do you have access to the error_log of the webserver ? If the line $converter -> convertTo('file.pdf'); doesn't work, the error could help us.

Maybe Libreoffice is not find, for example the binary is not in your $PATH. There is no configuration to do with Libreoffice after the installation.

Screenshot 2019-07-30 at 15 15 53
kairiex2 commented 4 years ago

Thanks You. On IIS logs seems there is nothing wrong. But I found this error on php error logs :

[31-Jul-2019 11:18:39 Asia/Jakarta] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught NcJoes\OfficeConverter\OfficeConverterException: Convertion Failure! Contact Server Admin. in C:\xampp\htdocs\simtu_assets\libs\vendor\ncjoes\office-converter\src\OfficeConverter\OfficeConverter.php:52 Stack trace:

0 C:\xampp\htdocs\simtu\dashboard\index.php(15): NcJoes\OfficeConverter\OfficeConverter->convertTo('file.pdf')

1 {main}

thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\simtu_assets\libs\vendor\ncjoes\office-converter\src\OfficeConverter\OfficeConverter.php on line 52 [31-Jul-2019 11:19:31 Asia/Jakarta] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught NcJoes\OfficeConverter\OfficeConverterException: Convertion Failure! Contact Server Admin. in C:\xampp\htdocs\simtu_assets\libs\vendor\ncjoes\office-converter\src\OfficeConverter\OfficeConverter.php:52 Stack trace:

0 C:\xampp\htdocs\simtu\dashboard\index.php(15): NcJoes\OfficeConverter\OfficeConverter->convertTo('file.pdf')

1 {main}

thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\simtu_assets\libs\vendor\ncjoes\office-converter\src\OfficeConverter\OfficeConverter.php on line 52 [31-Jul-2019 11:19:32 Asia/Jakarta] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught NcJoes\OfficeConverter\OfficeConverterException: Convertion Failure! Contact Server Admin. in C:\xampp\htdocs\simtu_assets\libs\vendor\ncjoes\office-converter\src\OfficeConverter\OfficeConverter.php:52 Stack trace:

0 C:\xampp\htdocs\simtu\dashboard\index.php(15): NcJoes\OfficeConverter\OfficeConverter->convertTo('file.pdf')

1 {main}

thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\simtu_assets\libs\vendor\ncjoes\office-converter\src\OfficeConverter\OfficeConverter.php on line 52

I also check libreoffice install dir and found no libreoffice file (exe/bin). Only filename soffice (exe & bin). I tried commandline convert from example

libreoffice --headless -convert-to pdf fileToConvert.docx -outdir output/path/for/pdf

and its not working. Only after I changed libreoffice to soffice the conversion works.

soffice --headless -convert-to pdf fileToConvert.docx -outdir output/path/for/pdf

Also does this mean on windows system environment variables?

Maybe Libreoffice is not find, for example the binary is not in your $PATH.

Thanks for helping me. I'm new to php and web development, I'm sorry if I'm slow to check on errors.

dudz94 commented 4 years ago

Maybe Libreoffice is soffice on Windows. I really dont know the Windows env so I couldn't say... So the conversion works ? :)

Dont worry, we all started one day ! If I can give you an advise, stop Windows and start a VM in Linux to work with Apache or httpd.

Tell me if you want more info about your issue !

kairiex2 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the advise. I'm planning to learn linux too, just waiting for a moment after I finished sorting what i've learned on php. Any good advise what linux package is good for web server? I'm really new with all this stuff. Thank you.