OPTIMIZE statement should be refactored for RT index in cluster as it works at each node and produce different disk chunks at each node.
Then different node will be chose as donor and that node SST index files and as disk chunks are different between various donor nodes and joiner node that cause that joiner always copy index files over network.
Maybe it is worth to send cluster wide event between merge of each disk chunks that each node will wait other nodes in cluster and merges same disk chunks in same sequence.
OPTIMIZE statement should be refactored for RT index in cluster as it works at each node and produce different disk chunks at each node.
Then different node will be chose as donor and that node SST index files and as disk chunks are different between various donor nodes and joiner node that cause that joiner always copy index files over network.
Maybe it is worth to send cluster wide event between merge of each disk chunks that each node will wait other nodes in cluster and merges same disk chunks in same sequence.