nclarius / Plasma-window-decorations

Window styles for KDE Plasma highlighting the active window in the color scheme's accent color
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Border Radius #3

Closed RandomLegend closed 2 years ago

RandomLegend commented 2 years ago

Hello there!

Is there any way to configure a border/frame radius?

I use Picom (but used KWin-Compositor in the past with some rounded-corners scripts) and whenever i use rounded corners with frames (like yours, but also on breeze or bismuth) i get this:


The current border radius of Picom is set to 15. Is it possible to also get a radius on this frame so it doesn't get "cut in" like that?

Thanks in advance!

nclarius commented 2 years ago

No, this is unfortunately not configurable, and not possible to make configurable. Aurorae decorations are just a bunch of SVGs. You could try to edit it in a vector graphics editor such as Inkscape yourself. The relevant file is ~/.local/share/aurorae/themes/ActiveAccentFrame/decoration.svg.

RandomLegend commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the hint...yeah i have absolutely no idea on how to properly edit this to a 15px radius. But i'll make a backup and try :-D

Thanks very much!