21:20:49.264 -> Connect LD2410 radar TX to GPIO:18
21:20:49.264 -> Connect LD2410 radar RX to GPIO:19
21:20:49.264 -> LD2410 radar sensor initialising: not connected
With a Mega2560 board. I tried switching Rx & Tx, resetting, & power cycling. Is there any reason it should not connect to the Mega2560?
I had run a control sketch with the same hardware setup with a sketch from DFRobot that worked perfectly from here: https://wiki.dfrobot.com/SKU_SEN0557_24GHz_Human_Presence_Sensing_Module using the same Serial1 definition as I tried with your code which isn't working. I'd like to use your code to be able to update the sensitivities dynamically.
UPDATE: A REALLY SIMPLE FIX. Sorry for the bother! I just had to use the right RADAR_SERIAL.begin(256000); command as there was no option in the defines for "other" boards. Working great now.
I used:
I get this response:
With a Mega2560 board. I tried switching Rx & Tx, resetting, & power cycling. Is there any reason it should not connect to the Mega2560?
I had run a control sketch with the same hardware setup with a sketch from DFRobot that worked perfectly from here: https://wiki.dfrobot.com/SKU_SEN0557_24GHz_Human_Presence_Sensing_Module using the same Serial1 definition as I tried with your code which isn't working. I'd like to use your code to be able to update the sensitivities dynamically.
UPDATE: A REALLY SIMPLE FIX. Sorry for the bother! I just had to use the right RADAR_SERIAL.begin(256000); command as there was no option in the defines for "other" boards. Working great now.