ncorbuk / Python-Ransomware

Python Ransomware Tutorial - YouTube tutorial explaining code + showcasing the ransomware with victim/target roles
MIT License
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Help #13

Open Archivve0 opened 2 years ago

Archivve0 commented 2 years ago

hey, im looking to encrypt a whole drive however the program is just shutting or giving me a unicode error.

This is the current code im using

    # Use sysroot to create absolute path for files, etc. And for encrypting whole system
    self.sysRoot = os.path.expanduser('C')
    # Use localroot to test encryption softawre and for absolute path for files and encryption of "test system"
    self.localRoot = r'' # Debugging/Testing

As you can see im looking to encrypt the C drive and only the C drive, i do not undestand what i am doing wrong, any help would be great!

RubelPerez commented 2 years ago

What console says? Could be due to administrator privilege errors

mdmoniruzzaman83 commented 2 years ago

The Youtube link is disabled to look at the tutorial. could you make a list of the text file to use it?

THEHACKER35 commented 1 year ago

i cant run the on power shell. this is what i get

PS C:\Users\Administrator> python .\ Program 'python.exe' failed to run: The system cannot find the path specifiedAt line:1 char:1

PS C:\Users\Administrator>

dv8081 commented 9 months ago

On the Command Prompt, type sfc /scannow and press Enter. If SFC finds errors but can’t repair them, type this command after exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth and press Enter. Then, type exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth and hit Enter. Restart your computer and see if it fixes the issue.